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Whaaat?! What are they talking about? All these things were too much for me to handle.

They were confusing me more by every second, but now I was also curious. I sneaked back into the room the Marsha offered me before anyone spotted me.

Hoping the two men in the hallway didn't see me crawling back after eavesdropping, I let out a sigh.

"Princess. It's me." I heard the marshal's voice.

I freaked out at his voice.

Man, good timing Ran! I thought as I gave myself some credit for getting back into the room at the right time.

"Y-yes? Hold on." I said as I unlocked the door.

The marshal stood in the doorway, his hand testing in his sword, which hung from his waist. He looked around cautiously before speaking.

"Since the night has already passed.... his majesty ordered me to let the princess rest in this room for tonight. Your chamber would be moved to safer grounds by tomorrow, princess." The marshal informed, leaning against the doorframe.

"Thank you for going through all that trouble for me." I said offering his a smile.

I wondered whether I should ask him about the conversation between him and the commander.

"Well then, looks like my work is done. Get some sleep princess." He said and turned around to leave.

"You too, marshal" I said, as I shut the door after he disspeared with a weak salute.

This whole palace is covered with secrets, that's for sure. I tgought as I pulled the sheets over my head and drifted off to sleep.


The first rays of sunlight peeked in through the window the next morning as I covered my eyes from the bright light and sat up on the bed. Rubbing my sore eyes, I looked down to find a red envelope on the side of my bed.

Huh? I don't remember this being here..... I thought as I picked it up.

My suspicion grew higher when I spotted my name on it, engraved in gold ink. I ripped it open to find a letter.

'Princess Ran,

I would like to apologise for my men's behaviour last night. I asked them to bring you to me, but instead they tried to work on their own. However, I killed the man who went against my word and left him at your room to carry out a warning. That is, the same will happen to anyone who'll stand between you and me.

About that little mark I gave you, I would want you to keep it a secret. I've seen you first princess, and so it is my right to claim you as mine. I promise to meet you in person, when the time is right.'

My hands trembled as I dropped the letter onto my lap.

Who is this? What does he want from me?? Thoughts clouded my mind as I tried to keep calm.

I wanted know who sent me this, but the letter was sent anonymously. I couldn't ask for help from anyone since their lives depended on it. Glancing down at my lap, I re-read the dreadful letter, trying to get a clue about the sender. My eyes stopped as I came across one sentence in the letter.

'The mark I gave you'...... my mind snapped as I remembered last night.

I sprung out the bed immediately and rushed to the window to examine my shoulder, where I felt a burn last night. With the help of the sunlight, I looked at the burn mark which was on my shoulder. It was noticeably big, and an elegant dragon stood in the middle of it.

The Love Of An Unwanted Princess《Editing》Where stories live. Discover now