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"Unhand me!!" I shouted at Jae, against the whooshing wind.

I could hear Ogum's and Hoon's horses behind us, but Jae wasn't slowing down, even a bit.

"Those two knuckleheads, always following you around....." Jae muttered, making his horse run faster.

We zoomed across the forest and I noticed that Ogum and Hoon were loosing us.

"What do you want from me, Jae!?" I shouted as he stopped his horse and got down, swinging me over his shoulder.

He threw me forward and my back hit a tree. He pinned me to it, one hand holding my fists together and the other closing my mouth.

"If you give me one damn chance to explain...." he said, avoiding my eyes.

This wasn't a reply I was waiting for, especially from a crime Lord. It took me by surprise, partly because of his answer and partly because the look in his eyes. His eyes held an expression of ...... desperation. After a short while, his hand left my mouth, but I couldn't find my voice to cry out for help. In fact I didn't feel any danger with him at the moment.

What the hell is wrong with me....?

"Princess!!" Hoon shouted in the distance.

I looked his way for a moment and turned around to face Jae again. But he was already running through the woods.

"No, Jae!" I shouted, following him.

I chased him, never letting him leave my eye sight. I knew this would confuse Hoon and Ogum, but I needed Jae's explanation. Soon, I found him few feet ahead of me.

"Jae, wait!" I screamed and he turned around instantly.

Just then, Hoon jumped out of the thick bushes, taking both of us by surprise.

"Princess, get back!" Hoon pushed me behind him as Hoon's and Jae's swords clashed together.

An arrow passed by me and landed in between Hoon and Jae. I turned around to see Ogum stepping out of the bushes.

"No! Stop!!" I screamed.

"Ha! Who would've thought that It'll finally come to this moment." Jae sighed, giving Hoon a disgusted look.

"What do you want?" Hoon asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Me? I want your so called king to back away. This fight is between you and me." He said, looking at Ogum.

"Watch your words. You are outnumbered." He said in a low creepy voice.

"Enough about me. what do you want, Hoon?" Jae asked, raising an eyebrow at Hoon.

He gritted his teeth and brought his sword at Jae, but Jae blocked it.

"I want to hunt you down. See you suffer" He said, Looking Jae right in the eyes.

"For what? We did those things together. If I go down, you're coming with me." Jae said without hesitating.

Hoon didn't reply for that and I wondered about what he said. Jae did have a point in his prespective, but I decided to keep my mouth shut.

"Only one will walk out today. It's either me or you." Hoon said, gripping his sword tightly.

"I've been waiting for those words to come from you, slaughter king." He said and charged towards Hoon, his sword swinging mercilessly.

I ran over to them, but Ogum's strong hands turned me around trappped my wrists together. I protested and begged him to let me go, but he didn't budge.

The Love Of An Unwanted Princess《Editing》Where stories live. Discover now