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I opened my burning eyes to greeted by the bright sunlight. I looked around the unfamiliar room which I was in. My head was spinning with every move I made, but I ignored it. I have to find a way out. The marshal.... I left him in the fire alone. I wonder if he's okay....... It's my fault...

"Good morning princess" I jumped at the sound of the voice, which came from the person sitting on the other corner of the room.

His short black hair was combed behind. His deep blue eyes were glued on mine, holding a firm gaze. I didn't answer him but stood there, astonished.

"I'm Jae, a pleasure to meet you. I hope you remember me, Princess." He said, getting up from the chair.

My heart stopped beating in shock. So he's the one we were after? The letters were from him? Is he the one who tried to poison the marshal and now left him in a burning place alone?

"Where's the marshal?" I asked him, my anger rising bit by bit.

"Oh, Ogum? I burned the place down yesterday. I don't know where he is." He said, a chuckle leaving his lips.

I couldn't for a sentence. I just stood there, my heart beating very fast. It shocked me but I couldn't stop my heart from beating so fast. He moved towards me and pulled me to him. I tried to protest but ended up collapsing onto him. He drugged me while I was unconscious! I thought as I tried calm my heart down. Soon, I fell into unconsciousness, as I felt him carry me.


"We got a lot to catch up on" I heard the stranger say.
"I hope you got your memories back, for I can't keep on calling you a name that isn't yours. Oh and, I was curious on how Yeongsoel was doing..."

I opened my eyes again to see the same room.

"I sent a note to Hoon. Ogum will receive a letter if he's alive. They both should know where the princess is." Jae's voice was right next to me.

I stood up quickly but a hand grabbed my fist and turned me around. I turned around to meet Jae's eyes, our faces few inches away.

"Do you really not remember me?" He asked me, his gaze piercing through mine.

Of course I don't remember you. I've never met you my life....

"Let go of me." I said coldly as I could.

His gaze was strong but a small tap on the door brought us both back to reality.

"Master, your horse is ready." I heard a voice say.

"I'm heading out for a bit. Stay in here my bride." He said, leaving me alone in the room.

After the door locked in front of me, I looked around the room for a way to escape. I had no choice but to jump through the window. I waited til the footsteps outside the door disappeared and made my move. The room was on the top of the castle but gladly there was a balcony few feet down. I blocked the door and pulled the bed sheets and curtains and ripped them to make a long rope. I tied one end to the bed and other around my waist.

"Please don't let me down" I said out loud before lowering myself down from the window.

Thankfully, the rope didn't let me down and soon I lowered myself to the balcony. I looked around but no one was around so I peeked through the balcony to find a another roof. Score! I thought as I jumped on to the roof from the balcony instantly. I landed on the roof with a small thud as I looked around to see if anyone noticed. Thankfully no one did, so I climbed down the roof.

The Love Of An Unwanted Princess《Editing》Where stories live. Discover now