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"Just a little more...." I told myself as I placed my hand on the last statue.

Since they were following my blood stains, I decided to leave a mark everywhere I can. I ran towards the palace once again, but as the sound of the assassins got louder, I jumped back into the forest for my protection. My leg and hand was becoming numb as I limped across the woods. The ground shifted underneath me and I was feeling dizzy bit by bit. Soon, my knees hit the ground and I tried to get back up, but I failed.

"No...no.... get up. Please. You can't give up now. Please." I said, my tears flowing down my face.

I thought of everyone as I sat there, helpless. Hoon amd Ogum came into my mind, and I wondered how hard they tried to keep me protected. I crawled behind the tree when I heard leaves rustle behind me, but I was too late.

"Get over here, you little..." the assassin said, grabbing me by the throat.

I fought against his iron grip, but he dragged me out of the woods effortlessly. I was nearly passed out by the time he let go off my throat. He threw me to the ground where the other assassins circled me. Just then, I heard faint sound of a familiar voice.

"Princess Ran!" It called out my name as I noticed the voice immediately.

Hoon!! I gasped in relief.

"Finish her, you fool. We don't want things to get dirty." I heard an assassin say.

I felt a cool tip of a sword at my throat. Before anyone could make a move I held the sword and twisted it away from my neck. It cut my hand, but I didn't care. I kicked the assassin with my good leg and crawled off the place.

Suddenly, I felt someone grip my ankle and pull me. I turned around to see an assassin hurle a huge rock towards me. I closed my eyes as I felt an unbearable pain run from my head to the tips of my toes. I stumbled onto the ground with a thud, and watched helplessly as the assassins walked over to me. My vision turned red by the blood that flowed down from my forehead. My eyes fluttered close as tried to stay awake, but failed at last.


"....You have my word, as long as she's safe, I will do no harm to you." I heard Hoon say, throwing his sword far away.

One assassins punched him square in the face, but Hoon didn't do anything. No! Fight them!! I found myself saying inside my head.

"He's true for his words. Very well then." The assassin said, and pinned a sword to his throat.

"Finish her. Then we'll together find out who lies behind this hideous mask." The assassins said.

"You lying jackals!! You promised not to hurt her!" Hoon thundered as the assassin laughed.

"I promised nothing, you fool." He commented and I saw him walk to me.

He grabbed me by the throat and pulled me up. Immediately, my hands wrapped around his arm, trying to save my neck from his grasp.

"Let her go!!" Hoon thundered, but the assassins held him in place with the swords against his throat.

I was dragged behind him so I tried to free myself. I ain't going down without a fight! I thought as I kicked the back of the assassin's knee. Of course, he fell down as he lost his balance. I fell down with him, and ended up with him pinning me to the ground.

"Some nerve you got, Princess..." he growled, lowering his sword to my neck.

"You'll never know what I could do...." I growled back and lifted my head towards his in full speed.

The Love Of An Unwanted Princess《Editing》Where stories live. Discover now