Part 3~ Everyone changes

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I wake up in bed, still in the outfit I was wearing yesterday. I had my computer resting on my thigh and my phone on the side of my bed. I looked over at Amelia and saw her sound asleep.
"Gem, we need to get up." I tilted my phone towards me so I could check the time - 7:45.
"Omg! Gem, we need to get up or we will be late!" I moaned. I slipped out of my covers and I eased my feet into my blush slippers. I put my robe over my new outfit that I've warn for a while now and then picked out something else to wear, something hot . Once I'd finished getting ready I looked at myself up and down in my long mirror, I liked what I saw. Amelia also finished getting ready so she tapped me on the shoulder to say - let's go.

As I walked down the corridor I saw everyone staring at me. Some gasped and some stayed quiet. Alec Jones glanced over his shoulder to see what the commotion was about, then he saw me. I decided to walk to class and continue with my day as usual. I was doing quite well! Until Alec spoke. It was lunch time and I was in Pappies Cafe, so was Alec- Looking me up and down for a while. Then he started to walk towards me.
"Hey, Brooke. I was wondering if you wanted to have a walk round campus with me?" I was so happy yet confused. What about his girlfriend?
"What about Stephanie?" I replied. Alec made a tut sound under his breath.
"Oh, her? We broke up ages ago. She's just been trying to get back together." That explained all the flirting in class. I agreed to Alec's offer and left Pappies with a huge smile plastered on my face. Amelia was also there cheering me on, not out loud but I could tell she was inside. Alec walked me round the football pitch many times, asking me questions, and answering ones that I had asked. I couldn't believe that a simple outfit could change the way people think about you, well this one anyway. I was wearing a white boob tube with skinny jeans that had rips, topped off with grey heels with gems on the buckle. I started feeling slightly cold, then wet. Rain drops started gushing from the sky, soaking me and Alec.
"Quick! Let's go under there!" Alec cried. He grabbed my hand and pulled me under the bleachers. It was so romantic! Our bodies wet, our hair and clothes. It stayed quiet dry where we were, I can't say the same for the football pitch. Alec pulled me closer as rain started pouring from my side of the bench. As he did so my hand got closer to his thigh and my chest to his. He saw I was getting cold so he took of his hoodie and wrapped it round my top half. It was a bit too big, but I could manage. The ground we were kneeling on became dry, from our bodies blocking any rain from touching it, so we sat down. It was a tight squeeze, so I ended up half sitting on Alec and half on the dirty ground. At this moment I felt tingles in my stomach, I'm guessing he did too as he moved around a lot. The rain slowly stopped to flood outside, as it did my phone started to buzz, it was Amelia. I answered.
"Hello? Gem, what's wrong?"
"Babs, it's pouring down! Where are you? Please come back to our dorm!" She replied. My phone was on loud speaker so Alec heard every loud spoken word that came out of Amelia's mouth.
"Look, I get it, maybe another time." Alec looked sad to see me go, almost like he was never gonna see me again.
"Yes of course! Another time!" I got up out the bleachers while he was still sitting down. I handed Alec his hoodie back with a kiss on the cheek and ran back to my dorm.
"See you later Brooke!" He shouted.

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