Part 11~ the red flower

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Today I had a babysitting job, with Alec, again! I finished putting on my mascara and tugged on my boots. I had English class first period, so I had to pack my notes book as I don't know what my teacher will throw at me. As I gazed over my phone I saw the clock was ticking so I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder and left my dorm.
All I could think about was Stephanie and what happened last night. Who were the roses ? As I walked down the corridor I came across my locker and packed all my things in there that I didn't want to carry. As I slammed the door Alec was leaning behind it.
"Alec! Don't scare me like that." He jumped up and touched me on the shoulder.
"Hey I'm sorry!" He grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. He knew something was on my mind, something dark, evil and twisted. Stephanie Portch.
"Brooke, what's up?" I pushed him back. My hand on his chest.
"I'll tell you later." I nodded at my locker and opened it. There hanging was a mini whiteboard with writing on it which read babysitting Alec tonight. He giggled and spoke.
"Oh are you!" The bell went so I closed my locker.
"Hey Brooke, your in my next class aren't you. C'mon I'll walk you there." I smiled and linked arms with him.
Alec's pov:
As Brook wraps her arm around mine I start to feel a slight tingle in my stomach. But it soon faded as she clutched on to me tighter and tighter as we came across Stephanie.
"Hey, hey." I looked at her and she stopped. I put my arm around her shoulders. You should've seen Stephanie's face, you should've seen mine.
Brooke's pov:
We had 10 minutes left until class was over. Then a rather awkward girl stumbled in the door. I'm guessing she was new as I've never seen her before.
"Hi I'm Courtney Luck!" She was a slim tall girl who had a way too big noes for her head. She was really pretty until you reached her face. I thought it was pretty stupid to turn up to class when we only have 5 minutes left. It went by really quick and before I knew it, the bell went.
As we are in college, we have an hour break after every class except from Fridays and Wednesdays, today was Monday. Me and Amelia went to Pappies Cafe and ordered our usual, chickpea salad with a milkshake. As Pappie delivered our food Courtney entered the room. I noticed a small red flower  on her coat which I thought was for charity. My eyes immediately came off of Courtney when Alec entered the cafe.
"So Brooke, have you seen all the new bitchy girls that have joined our school!" Amelia said. She was right. Why all of a sudden? And why all bitchy girls? I agreed.
Alec's pov:
I see Brooke and Amelia over in the corner of the cafe in their normal position, the pink booth. I blush as i see Brooke look over at me. I noticed the new girl walk in the room. She was so sassy! Why? Before I knew it I heard the clicking of her heels against Pappies floor and she was talking to me.
"Hi I'm Courtney! Nice to meet you." She looked at me funny, like she already knew me? How, I've never met her before?
Brooke's pov:
Me and Amelia decided to come back to our dorm as we were tired from last night. I had to get ready quickly though as I had to babysit Alec tonight.
8:30 pm: as I pulled up on the drive I saw the lights were on in Alec's house. He was home .
I rang the doorbell and Gemma answered it (Alec's mum)
"Hey Mrs Jones! I'm babysitting Alec tonight?"
"Yes of course! Please come in." I walked inside.
"Alec's just in his room, go on go up." I smiled and hung up my coat on the banister. I walked up the stairs quietly and opened the first bedroom door. There I saw lover boy on his computer.
"Hey Alec." He turned around and hugged me.
"Hey!" He smiled, so did I.
He sat me down on his bed and held my hand.
"What is up with you?" I took a deep breath in.
I got my phone out and handed it to him to listen to the conversation I had recorded of Stephanie last night.
His face said it all. He was angry.

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