10. In hell with you

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Some people say they would be okay even in hell if they were with their lover. The thought is so stupid it makes me want to puke. I don't mind suffering for you but knowing you're also suffering is too much. I don't want to be in hell with you. I want you to be safe in heaven, singing with your sweet voice. I don't care if we can't be together if it means you are okay. But you have made clear you won't leave me. Is this some Romeo & Juliet parody? They died because they were stupid, blinded by their love. But they didn't die together. Guess we are luckier.



You had fallen in sleep again. If it even counted as sleep. Maybe some kind of coma. You were perfectly still and I barely heard you breathe. I would have gone crazy if I hadn't. You breathing evenly, in and out, calmed me down. At least you wouldn't have to think about our desperate situation. That man must have been a psychopath or something. I don't know what had made you interested in him once upon a time but that quality didn't seem to exist anymore. Maybe you don't remember why you had liked him either. I like to think that way.

While you slept I tried to open the ropes I had been tied with. My struggles seemed to be in vain. I still couldn't stop. Not before he came back. He opened the door with a strong force and walked in. The chair you were on was facing the door and since I was tied on the back of the chair I couldn't see him. You and him were both behind me. I sat helplessly on the door while he started laughing. He was drunk. Maybe he had taken drugs too. I wished he would die from overdose or something.

"Sleeping so peacefully, now aren't you Taehyungie?"

I hoped you wouldn't wake up. It's better if you don't know.

"Do you remember my good friend Park? He said he wanted to see you. It's been some time", he muttered like you would hear. I was glad you didn't.

"Maybe I'll bring him here, hm?" he said and suddenly turned the chair around, both of us with it. It hurt since I was dragged against the floor. I hoped the pain wouldn't show on my face when he stared at me. 

"You're awake, huh. I don't know what to do with you yet so give me some ideas, yeah?"

I didn't reply. It made him mad.

"Talk when I tell you to!" he said, punching my face. Again.

"Then how about you let us go!" I couldn't resist the urge to yell at him.

"So you can go fill a lawsuit or some shit? You're making me laugh," he scoffed.

'You're the pathetic one', I thought. He grabbed my collar and leaned down to whisper into my ear. His breath smelled like alcohol and cigarettes. 

"Listen you little shit, the only reason you're alive is because Taehyung is still asleep. I want him to see when I strangle you to death." After threatening me he spat on the floor next to me.

"I bet you're just afraid of killing me", I mocked. I never stop making bad decisions, it seems. My words caused him to push down the chair so that I was under it with you on top. Everything hurt as my knees and head scraped the floor, hands tied to the chair behind my back. Then after full minute he let go and the chair turned on its side. He left the room laughing at my pained expression. I thanked God or whatever is above for you weighting less than me. It angered me that he had used you to inflict pain on me.


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