15. (Over)protective

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We had a big problem. You couldn't leave the house because you were afraid to go outside. I couldn't just leave you alone either, I was too worried. You had to quit your job for the moment and I didn't work either. We were becoming short of money. We had to come up with something, we couldn't continue living like this. It had already been one month since the "incident" as we liked to call it.

It was a Monday afternoon. The sky was clear and the air was warm. I decided to go outside. Together with you. I had talked about it a lot with Seokjin and Namjoon whenever they came to visit. You never seemed to listen since you didn't comment anything. Or maybe you were just too scared. 

I planned to take small steps. Just a little walk to a nearby playground and then we'd come back. As simple as that. Except there was nothing simple about getting you out of the house.



"A walk? Why?" I asked, uninterested. I was lying on the bed as usual, staring at the ceiling. I had an idea to paint it someday so it would be nicer to look at. Maybe I'd paint a starry sky...

"We both know we can't stay indoors for the rest of our lives."

"I'm too tired to get up and go for a walk, Jungkook."

"What did I say about you calling me Jungkook?"

I sighted. The atmosphere was different than before. Calling each other by nicknames felt unfitting. It felt fake.

"I guess we really should go", I finally said and got off the bed. I could use some fresh air.

You smiled a little, looking like you were proud of me. Proud that I actually obeyed instead of always being my stubborn self. I had stayed away from the world long enough.


I breathed in and out. The city air wasn't as fresh as I would have liked it but it was still better than the still air inside your apartment. Why in the world hadn't I gone out sooner? I enjoyed all scents I had seemed to have forgotten and looked curiously at the other people passing by. 

"Enjoying the walk so far?" you asked and linked our arms. 

"Yeah, Jung- I mean, Kookie", I hesitantly corrected.

"That's better", you said softly. I wondered if I deserved to be treated with such a care. I know you felt empty too but you tried not to show it. You tried to love me like before. It made me want to cry.

"Think we could walk a bit more?" you asked when we arrived at the playground. The sun would set soon and I didn't really like the idea of walking around when it was dark out.

"Let's just go back."


As we neared your apartment you suddenly let go of my hand and stepped in front of me. I looked over your shoulder and saw a small group of some kind of thugs. It didn't scare me that much, they seemed to be minding their own business, smoking and talking. You on the other hand were on alert. You were glaring at them and your jaw tightened. I took a hold of your hand and started to lead you back home. You glanced behind us ten times before we reached the door. I counted. 

Once we were inside I let go of your hand and searched your eyes for an answer.

"What? I was just protecting you. You might not have seen it but one of them was definitely looking at you in a way that-"

You stopped mid-sentence when I place a gentle kiss to your cheek. 

"Let's go to sleep Kookie", I said with a small, sleepy smile.


I can't forget your eyes. - TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now