13. Surviving

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According to my calculations, it had been about five or six days. I couldn't be sure because I was sleeping most of the time. Partly because of the lack of nourishment and partly because being awake meant being conscious of our suffering. This time I was staring at the wall again. Blankly. He hadn't come to the room for a long while. It wasn't exactly peaceful but I still concluded it must be a good thing that he's gone for long. I had no idea why he had let us stay together in that room but damn was I grateful to know you were still alive.

I didn't know if you were awake or asleep but I got a feeling you were awake as well. Maybe you also knew I wasn't sleeping. Neither of us said anything. We used to be so lively and talk a lot. Now there was just a cold silence.

I closed my eyes and thought of something to say, try to build a bridge over the silent river. A loud banging on the door brought me back to Earth. That was the front door. 

"What is that?" you wondered with hoarse voice. 

"I don't know", I admitted, not knowing how to feel.

"Maybe someone is looking for us!" you said with a voice that was so full of hope I wanted to cry. I couldn't bear the disappointment you would surely face when it turns out we weren't found. I didn't even dare to hope.

"I don't think so", I said quietly. I wasn't sure if I wanted you to hear me or not.

"It might be!" you insisted. I kinda wished I was as strong as you. 

Suddenly we heard the front door give in and people rush in, opening every door at the corridor.

"We're gonna get out of here, Tae!"

I couldn't believe it when the door opened and light shone to the dark bedroom where we lied on the floor, tied to the chair. I couldn't believe it when I heard a familiar voice say:

"Taehyung! Jungkook!"

Seokjin. Seokjin-hyung and someone who seemed familiar but whose name I couldn't recall. I cried. It surprised me a little because earlier I had been sure I already cried every tear I had. It seemed I was wrong because I could have created an ocean with my tears. 

I was in daze. I barely felt anything when Jin-hyung untied my ropes. He kept talking but I couldn't make out any words. It felt like an illusion. Like that dream I had before. But it wasn't a dream. I realized that when you embraced me and cried on my shirt. It was real. 

I stared at you. Your hair was a mess. Everything else was a mess too but I didn't want to think about it. I turned to look at my friend who was also crying. Next to him was the man I didn't fully recognize. He seemed to be touched too. It took me a lot of staring to notice Jin-hyung was holding onto that man's hand. Then it finally clicked: it was Kim Namjoon, the guy he had told me he had a crush on. I had only seen pictures of the guy before, never thought I'd be that happy to meet him. I turned back to look at you. I rose both of my hands to hold your cheeks and make you look at my eyes.

"You were right Kook. We are getting out of here."

I smiled for the first time in many days. You smiled too and I could finally breath properly again. I was exhausted but in that moment I felt like I was living again.


A/N: Aaaaand they're saved! Bet you didn't expect that to happen right after that dream ;) Just to let you know, we're at the midpoint of the story now <3 Also it's Jungkookie's birthday!!! I just love him so much I can't stand it :'( 

I can't forget your eyes. - TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now