25. The end of the fairy tale

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There is no way to get me out of the burning cabin. I am chained and there is no key to open the lock with. This is where my short life ends. I want you to get out and live. The chains binding you are invisible. Your chains are your illogical feelings that wouldn't let me go alone. I am too tired, too defeated to tell you not to stay. And I know I would do the same. We are no Jack and Rose, we are closer to Romeo and Juliet, yet we aren't them either. We are just Jungkook and Taehyung. Just us. Our story isn't worth to make people cry. But I still wish someone would remember us.

"Do you think we were together in our last life?" you asked. What a strange question.

"Hmm, I don't know. But we'll definitely be together in our next one", I assured.

"Then... How about we go through our story? As to not forget and to remember each other in the next life? It can be our bedtime story", you smiled gently.

That's when we told all our own feelings and thoughts during the journey. All the ups and downs. Every precious moment. And now we are here. You are hugging me tight, holding me like you won't ever let go. I keep my eyes closed. I don't want to see you cry.

"What do you think will happen to them after that?" I ask, referring to the main characters, us.

"They'll get married and live happily ever after", you answer as if it's obvious.

"That sounds lovely", I smile genuinely. 

Our story didn't end up the best way possible in this lifetime. Maybe this was our only chance at happiness or maybe this was just the beginning. Maybe we'll really get married and get our happy ever after. So don't forget me Taehyung, for I won't forget you.

Maybe in our next life.



It's hot. But the burning flames slowly creeping closer won't reach us. Not before the smoke fills our lungs and suffocates us. The coldness of the world outside can't reach us. The stars above are getting ready to send us on our way.

The light from the fire is reflected from my engagement ring. We watch the forget-me-nots burn. Then he burns too. I can't find it in myself to feel guilty, he did this to you, he killed you. So I killed him. I couldn't find a key or anything else to free you. This is where the fairy tale ends. It's not my ideal happy ever after but at least it's with you. That should be enough.

I hear the sirens. The taxi driver must have called fire department. They're late. It's no use sawing the chains now; you're not bound anymore. And not even a kiss of true love will wake you up. I also close my eyes, the tears on my cheeks hotter than the flames. 

See you soon, Kookie.


Do you regret falling in love with me? I took everything from you.


I don't regret falling in love with you. You gave me everything.

🦋 -The End- 🦋

Will you stay by my side
Will you promise me
If I let go of your hand, you'll fly away and break
I'm scared scared scared of that

Will you stop time
If this moment passes
As though it hadn't happened
I'm scared scared scared I'll lose you

~ BTS - Butterfly ~

I can't forget your eyes. - TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now