Chapter 35: Uh-oh

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"Emily! Watch it!" Rebecca said but it was too late. I already bashed my head against the pillar.

"Ow." I groaned as I rubbed my forehead. Ever since last night, I have been distracted. Today was a holiday at school as the stupid fuse blew off. But Castle and I have been chatting all the time and I am not ready to admit it out aloud but I kinda like this giddy feeling.

"Warned you already. Idiot." Rebecca muttered but in the empty room her voice echoed. She moved around the storage room, searching for the box.

Our mom wanted our eighteenth to be a walk down the memory lane. So she sent us here to retrieve the boxes which contained all thw picture albums and small memories. I didn't want to reopen those boxes. They contained the proof that I had a happy life once. A life anyone would dream like having.

I didn't want to open them again. It felt like freshening up the old wounds. And to rejoice those moments like Mom planned? It was like rubbing salt on them.

"Found them." Rebecca's voice echoed from somewhere.

"Great." I muttered unenthusiastically.

"Help me get them out." She said, already out of breath. To think that all the cheerleading would keep her in shape. Alas.

I walked over to her. Her flashlight helped me reach her. I could see she was standing in front of some boxes piled up.

"Which ones?" I asked her.

"The last three." She muttered as she once again checked the label.

"Alright." I said as I pulled my hair into a pony once again. It was irritating since Samantha got me that new haircut. My hair which was tame earlier was behaving like Ninja turtle, coming out of wrong places. I still don't think sewer was a great place to have a headquarter.

Samantha had kidnapped me, taking me to the salon to get a hair cut. Something about getting me a makeover.
My new haircut resulted in my hit coming out if I tied a braid. It was probably a layer cut. It irritated me.
But she had anyways squealed with joy, saying Castle couldn't take his eye off me and I would rock even a plain peach color dress which let me tell you, I totally did.

"Pull." Rebecca ordered. Both of us pulled them out and the boxes came out pretty smoothly if you ignored the dust that is.

"Here they are." Rebecca announced.

" great. You girls are going to love this trip down the memory lane." Mom squealed. Rebecca chuckled while I stayed silent. I don't think I am going to like this. As Leo Valdez always says, 'Move on'. That's what is best. I moved on, from the past, the childhood, which was always haunted by the divorce phase which divided my parents into two.
So yeAh, I don't think I am going to enjoy this.

"Oh my God! This was your first doll, Becca." Mom handed Rebecca a doll who was wearing a pretty pink dress but her hair was cut in an uneven manner.

"Why does her hair look like it was cut by an evil witch?" I asked confused.

"That will be you honey. You cut her dolls hair off when she ate your waffles." Mom answered, smiling sheepishly.

"You have a shitty sense of justice." Rebecca muttered.

"Yeah well..." I trailed off. Just then my phone buzzed. A text from Castle.

My stomach was suddenly filled with butterflies. Though this wasn't the first text he sent, but i still made me nervous, anxious and happy at the same time.

Hey, what's my girlfriend doing? -Castle.

Girlfriend. It made my insides churn. I quickly typed in a reply.

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