Chapter 2

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Ok so, I know this is fast but...enjoy!


"And I cross my heart and I hope to die!" Rebecca was shouting, sorry, 'singing' as she called it. I don't know why but it was her favorite song and whenever it played, she would turn into a Maroon 5 wanna be.

"You know, there's a problem going on? About noise pollution?" I said sarcastically as I turned the volume down. She quickly turned it back up.

"So?" She threw me an irritated look.

"Don't give me that look. I can leave the wheel and we'll both reach to the hospital." I said, leaving the wheel for two seconds and again grabbing it.

The road was clear. No vehicles were in sight. It was a lazy afternoon. Sun was shining brightly, and the clouds weren't doing a good job at covering it up.

"Yeah right. You know, I'm your twin, dear sister. No one knows you better than me. Am I to believe that 'the most responsible child' of our family is going to get the car hit? Please, I know you better than that." She snorted and continued shouting. I sighed as I retarded the speed and eventually brought the car to pause.

"We've reached." I announced unnecessarily.

"I can see." She got out of the car and ran towards the house. I parked the car and got the bags down.

"At least help me out."

"Nah, I'm sure you'll do well." Rebecca said. If it was someone else, I would have done something to them for being so arrogant but this was Rebecca, my sister. Though she was abhorrent, she is one of the few whom I love most on this planet. I know she may seem like a b*tch at first but trust me, under those deep deep deep deep layers, there lies a golden heart.

Only if you could overlook a couple layers of arrogance, another few layers of over-confidence, then a few of pride.

"Dude, can you explain why I carried both our bags?" I dumped them on the floor once I got inside the house.

"Because you love me." She winked at me.

"Here are my lovely princesses!" Dad entered in a three-piece suit, iPhone in one hand and a glass of juice in the other one. Seeing him home was unusual.

"Dad!" Both of us ran to him and hugged him tight.

"Hey, I missed you guys too!" He laughed.

My parents loved each other insanely. Two people getting married at eighteen and starting a family right after, tough to handle. Both of them were struggling with unemployment, bills and our two young mouths to feed. Still, they pulled through. But maybe they didn't really. Maybe they were just pretending, for whom? I have no idea. I thought we were a happy family for eight years but somehow these madly-in-love people did not happen to love each other anymore. Mom said, 'It was just pure affection and both of us thought it to be love.' Great, they came to realize this after Rebecca and me were born. We were thirteen when they got divorced. They fought over us; to an extent that they decided that Rebecca would live with Dad and me with Mom. Then my Gran brought them to their senses and made them make a compromise. My mother had completely lost her sanity, fleeting for city to city, living out her heart's desire. Well, good for her I guess.

"How are you?" I asked him.

He had dark circles underneath his eyes. He looked weary and tired.

"Tired and exhausted but right now, I'm as healthy as a horse." Dad again laughed.

"Dad" Rebecca was going to say something. Call it telepathy or anything but I knew what she was going to say. She was gonna admit her feelings. It wasn't at all likely of Rebecca to hold something but she never admitted to Dad about them. She was going to say that she missed him but she was cut off by a call.

"Sorry Honey, need to attend it." Dad muttered as read the name on caller Id.

"Yeah, ok." Rebecca muttered and looked down. Dad went out of the room, talking something about departure and arrival.

"Let's go and watch T.V." I said to cheer her up.

"Whatever." She moved towards the stairs.

"How about food? Wanna eat something?" I asked her from the kitchen.

"Doritos." She answered back.

"Hm, how about we check out our rooms?" I hopped to her.

Right before we left for the long weekend, we decided to get out rooms painted. We had postponed this chore for a couple months now and this just seemed like as good a time as any.

"Yeah, let's see your pink room."

"My room is not..." I heard Rebecca laugh to herself.


"No, I just told the servants to do it. I didn't even enter your room." She put some chips inside her mouth.

"Rebecca Sky!"

"The hottest girl on planet." She said teasingly.

"If I find even one drop of pink color in my room, I swear on river Styx I'll cut you into pieces." I threatened her.

"Who are you? Zeus?" She snorted.

"No, Thalia." I snapped and was about to go up the stairs when Dad reentered.

"Sorry girls but I need to go." Dad sighed as he kept his phone in his pocket.

"Where?" I asked.

"Paris. There's this guy we gave our contract to and he's throwing some tantrums...I need to be there, sorry." He smiled at us.

"We understand." I was going to say but Rebecca cut off.

"How long will you be gone?"

"Dunno honey. Probably a week but I'll try to come back as soon as possible." He tried to assure us but I could see Rebecca's face brighten up with a smile as her mind processed stuff.

"It's totally cool Dad. Take your own time. Business is important, both of us understand." She gave him an understanding nod and Dad hugged both of us and left. Rebecca jumped and took a three-sixty degree turn to look at me. There was a twinkle in her eyes which I knew damn well.

"No midnight parties, no hangouts, no hangovers and no movies in our house!" I declared before she could even make her requests.

"Oh c'mon!" She pleaded with her palms joined in front of me.

"No." I said firmly. She looked at me for a long moment and I raised my eyebrow.

"Ok, cool. Nothing of this sort." Rebecca's face again brightened as she climbed up the stairs.

"And no beauty Pageants." I shouted loudly and I heard Rebecca groan loudly.

"You are no fun!" She shouted back.

"Wonder whose sister I am." I retorted.

"Hera's." She snapped and I bit my lower lip, trying not to laugh.


So, how was it? I included a bit of Percy Jackson. Alright. I included a hell lot of Percy Jackson but no harsh feelings , right?

Because everyone Percy Jackson.

Btw, I just finished the House of Hades. It's everything beyond what I imagined it to be. Can't wait for The Blood Of Olympus.

Also, do read my other books, Married With Benefits and The UnWanted Passenger. :)
See you people at my other story !

Question for the day:

Jason Grace or Percy Jackson ?



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