Chapter 14 - Date

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* recap - i walk into the living room and my eyes widen, i quickly speed walk away as i see......*

Shawn actually kissing someone , what .

He wasn't the sort of person to just bring someone home and kiss them , he obviously knew i saw because he walked past me in the hallway bright red , i just sniggered .

The girl was pretty , she had dirty blond hair , blue eyes , not Nash blue but it was close . She was wearing a floral dress and was fairly short , only looked about 5.3 ft .

I was so tired so i just dragged myself upstairs and went to sleep

//day before o2l party//

I awoke to the sunlight beaming in my face. I glance at the clock and realise its 1pm! Why didn't anyone wake me up!

Before I jumped out of bed I noticed a sticky note on my pillow,' LAURA, me and the boys are at the mall to get our fancy dress things, didn't want to wake you, you looked like an angel - shawn x :)'

I couldn't help but smile at this.

Me and Hayes haven't talked since yesterday. I know it's silly, I shouldn't be getting upset about it but he's completely ignoring all my texts and he's not been in the house, he left after we filmed the video yesterday.

I can't help but feel annoyed. He always sends me cute texts in the morning, I mean I don't want to be clingy and we were still quite young.

What If he thinks I'm too much of a clingy girlfriend and breaks up with me?

I brush it off and I get up to get a shower and wash my hair.

After I got out the shower I put on my ripped skinny jeans and black crop top with a red flannel tied around my waist. I blow dried my hair and put it in a huge messy but cute bun. I grabbed my phone to check twitter and surprisingly got a text from Hayes

Hayes🙊🙈🙈: meet me at the park in 10.

This was it, he was breaking up with me. I was sure of it.

Of course that's why he was avoiding me. I put it to the back of my mind. I'm just going to get it over with , I'm not going to get upset . I knew this was going to happen

I didn't want to reply as i only had 10 minutes. I quickly put concealer under my eyes to hide my horrid dark circles and i did perfect winged eyeliner.

After appreciating my eyeliner I hurried downstairs slipped on my white vans and ran out the door.

Reaching the park in less than 5 minutes and gazed into the distance to see Hayes, looking as gorgeous as ever may I add, sat on the park bench.

I hesitantly made my way over to him , the closer I got the more I saw how happy he was, he was smiling at me .

before I could say anything to him he pulled me to him and he kissed me.

It was one of the best kisses i had ever had , it felt like my stomach was doing summersaults , i lightly bit his bottom lip and under his breath mumbled ' your so beautiful Laura '


Pulling away , I looked up at him "I-I thought you were going to break up with me" I rushed out.

He looked at me confused "what?! Break up with you? I know I haven't spoke to you , I wasn't ignoring you it's just I needed to think because.. becuase.....ithinkiloveyoulaura...." Hayes said so quickly I nearly didn't understand him.

Before I could say anything back he cut me off "You don't have to say anything I don't want to rush into anything I mean I'm only 14 well nearly 15 but I do I love you."

Before I could say anything again he pulled me into another magical kiss.

I think I'm in love with Hayes Grier.

Relatively Normal - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now