Chapter 4 - Everybody knows

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We arrived at school , i was a bit nervous , i haven't spoken to any of my friends and i didn't know what people had been saying . Did anyone even care .

Shawn opened my car door and helped me out , even walked me to home room . I hoped in the room on my crutches and Shawn waved goodbye . I sat down in my seat and almost immediately people started coming up to me and asking if it was true , it made me feel awkward but i said yes anyway . No even one person was bothered about if i was okay . This is what i was trying to avoid . People only caring about my brother .

I didn't have music until after lunch and it was my birthday tomorrow so i was super excited about that !

The day passed slow until we got to lunch . I sat down at the table waiting for my friends to arrived . Of coarse the first thing they did was ask me if it was true then quizzed me on every aspect of my life with Shawn . To be honest though after that everything seemed pretty normal .

My friends walked me to my class and i sat in the middle . People started taking turns at the front to perform the song they chose . I was next and still no Shawn . Maybe he forgot ? . I made my way up to the front, sat down and grabbed my guitar as shawn walked in , thank god .

I started strumming and with all my courage and began to sing

"I love it when you just don't care

I love it when you dance like there's nobody there

So when it gets hard, don't be afraid

We don't care what them people say

I love it when you don't take no

I love it when you do what you want cause you just said so

Let them all go home, we out late

We don't care what them people say..........".( and the rest of the song)

Everyone clapped and stood up . I was so proud of myself and my teacher gave me an A

The rest of the day went by pretty fast and i made my way to the car park to get picked up . It took me ages because i was so slow on these things and they hurt like hell .

///4 hours later //

Shawn and i were just watching a movie until

He let out a big sigh and said " im so bored , wanna do something ?" " sure , but what its not like i can go anywhere with thing on my leg " i replied " hey , why don't we do a youtube video , i haven't uploaded one on my channel in ages " he suggested " why not , everyone knows anyway " i said as i sat on the edge of the bed while Shawn set up the camera and tripod . " wait ,what video are we going to do ?" I enquire . " why don't we do a Q&A . You ask on your twitter and il ask on mine , we will take turns ." Shawn replies " perfect " i say.

We both tweet and soon enough the questions flooded in , since everyone knew that Shawn is my brother i saw no harm in just giving everyone my twitter now .

Shawn pressed record and says his intro " hey guys , i know its been a while but I'm doing a Q&A with my little sister Laura to make up for it , okay , first question , Are you and Laura close ?" " very " i answered and shawn pulled me into a hug " okay , my turn " i said " okay so what does Shawn smell like ?" I laughed at this one and answered " he actually doesn't smell that bad to be honest , i cant really describe it though ."

We carried on answering question for another few minutes. " i think thats all the questions we are answering today , hope you guys enjoyed , please click the like button if you want to see more video's of me and laura ! ." Shawn says as he turns off the camera .

He thanked me and then says " don't think i have forgotten what day tomorrow is , i have a giant Surprise , you wont believe it when i tell you ."

For the life of me i couldn't think of what it could be , i didn't even think he remembers it was going to be my birthday .

I got ready for bed and checked through my social . I was just scrolling down vine and seen Shawn had uploaded. It was a video of me singing in class ! WHAT !

Then i looked and it had 6million loops ! Thats insane, i was a little angry at first but i couldn't help but smile .

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