Chapter 1

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The first day of school came quicker than you thought. You got ready for school. You put on a white long sleeved shirt(sleeves rolled up a bit), black pants, and black & white converse. You grabbed your black jansport backpack and skateboard, then headed out the door. You skated to school while listening to music. You didn't have any friends. People were way too scared of you to even try and make conversation. You get to school and enter through the parking lot. The more you entered school, the more looks you were given. You heard commotion coming from the pep stage so you looked over curious. There was a girl on the floor. She was scared. Hovered over her was the one and only, Kay Cook. Kay slapped the girl hard and yelled at her.

Kay: Stay away from them you hear me !

The girl started to tear up. You ran up to Kay as fast as you could and on the way, you dropped your backpack and skateboard. You pushed Kay hard and she took a tumble to the ground. You got ontop of her and punched the left side of her face. Her mouth already started bleeding. You got off of her and let her get up.

Y/N: Get the fuck out of here !

Kay teared up and ran off to her group. You walked over to the girl and gave her a hand to help her up.

Girl: T-Thank you.

Y/N: What do you think you were doing ?

Girl: I was just trying to talk to Corbyn.

Y/N: Now why would you want to do that ?! Don't you know-

Girl: I'm new here.

Y/N: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know.

Girl: It's okay. My name's Christina Marie.

Y/N: I'm Y/N. Y/F/N.

Christina: Nice to meet you Y/N.

Y/N: Give me your phone.

Christina: What ?

Y/N: Just give it to me.

She pulled her phone out and you put your number in it.

Y/N: Give me a call if you're stuck in any trouble again.

Christina: Thank you.

Y/N: Don't mention it.

Two seconds go by and 2 girls rush into Christina, pushing you out of the way. You start walking away, but then a voice caught your attention.

???: Look it's a loser !

You turn around to face Jonah Marais. You narrow your eyes and flip him off before walking away and picking your stuff up. You skated to your old biology class where the teachers you loved the most were. They helped you through everything. It just so happens that your uncle is a teacher there and helps you out along with the other 4 teachers. As soon as you walk inside, you drop all your stuff and run up to your uncle and hugged him. He returned it and asked what happened. You told him and he examined your bloody knuckles.

Y/U/N(Your Uncles Name): So, I'm guessing this isn't your blood.

You shook your head and he sighed. He directed you to the sink and you washed your hands. He grabbed your skateboard and put it in the holder that you old biology teacher had. When you finished you gave your uncle your schedule and he looked through it.

Y/U/N: Looks like your 1st period is guitar class with Mr. Black. Wow they put this class number instead of the music room.

Mr. Black was your old biology teacher. He's a white metal head and you and him would always play guitar together during lunch hour. He gave you a smile and then he looked at your other classes. He gave you the paper back and then the warning bell rang.

Y/U/N: Well you better get to class.

Y/N: Yeah. Thanks guys.

Mr. Black: I'll meet you over there. When everyone arrives here, I'll let them know that they have to meet us in the music room. You know where it's at.

Y/N: Alright.

You start walking to the door that you came in through. Your uncle then whispers to Mr. Black.

Y/U/N: I wonder what we can do to stabilize her more.

Mr. Black: Music is helping a bit.

Y/U/N: Yeah, but we need more.

As soon as you're about to push the door open, someone opens it from the other side. You are then face to face with Zachary Dean Herron. Your eyes grew big and you took two steps back.

Zach: Oh I'm sorry. Is this Mr. Black's class ?

Mr. Black: Yes this is.

Zach: Hey, you're the girl from this morning. I hope you're okay.

You stood there quiet as you could feel your face heating up. You took another step back and then Zach took one closer.

Zach: I'm not like-

Before he could finish, you turn around and run the other way to the other exit in the class room. You then ran out of the room.

Zach: -the others.

Zach sighed and then sat down.

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