Chapter 10

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You turned around to face Zach. The other boys then appear behind him.

Jack: We all wanted to apologize.

You stayed quiet as everyone made their apologies. You then heard your little sister's voice say your name in question. You look behind Zach to see her standing there.

Y/N: R-Rose ? What are you doing up ? It's way past your bed time.

You were being soft with her. She walked over to you rubbing her eye with one hand and a stuffed panda in the other. You bent down to her level.

Rose: I had another nightmare.

She looks down, sad.

Y/N: Awe I'm sorry sweetie.

She hugged you tight and you did the same. She backs away and gives Jonah a hug.

Jonah: What's this for ?

Rose: For letting us live with you and for helping Y/N.

Corbyn: They're living with you ?

The boys looked at you confused.

Rose: Yeah, we can't go back home. Dad is still there.

Daniel: What's wrong with that ?

You look down, remembering.

Rose: He hits mommy.

A tear slips from her eye. You start to sob into the palm of your hand and the boys stare at you.

Rose: He hits Y/N too.

All of their eyes go wide.

Zach: Where the hell is he ?!

Jonah: Calm down Zach. I already took care of it.

Jonah kneels by you and cradles you in his arms.

Jonah: Rose, how about you go back to bed.

Rose: I want a song.

Jonah: Alright, the boys and I will sing you a song and then off to sleep. Okay ?

She shakes her head.

Rose: Only Y/N can sing to me.

You feel the stares. You sigh and sit back up.

*Jonah's POV*

I can tell that Y/N didn't want anyone to find out about the abuse. She starts to sing for Rose and her voice is amazing.

*Zach's POV*

Y/N has the most beautiful voice I've ever head in my entire life. The way she can harmonize with herself and hit every high note softly. It was perfect. I kneel down next to her and joined in/ The rest of the gang joined in as well. After we finished, Rose rubbed her eyes and yawned. Jonah picked her up and carried her in his arms.

Jonah: I'll take her back. Daniel, Corbyn, Jack, care to join ?

They walked off with Jonah as Y/N stayed still. She hasn't moved since she finished singing. I moved to be in front of her. I slowly and ever so delicately placed my hand under her chin and lifter her head. She looked me in the eyes. I can see her pain. I slowly moved my hand from under her chin to her cheek. I wiped her tears with my thumb. She places her hand over mine and gives me a weak smile. I slowly lean in and she does too. We were so close that I could already taste her lips. Her hand trails up my chest and ends up behind my neck. She slowly pulls as I pull her closer.

*Your POV*

Zach pulls you close and you follow his lead. Before you knew it, you were kissing the guy that you've had the biggest crush on for years. You always imagined it different, but you were just happy that it was finally happening. You make out with him for a while. The whole time, you felt like the world was gone. Everything disappeared and the only thing that existed was that very moment. Zach ended up getting a little aggressive with the make out and pulled you closer. You once again, followed his lead. After another two minutes of an intense make out, Zach pulled back.

Zach: Let's take this to my room ?

You answered by pulling him and making your lips crash into his. He picks you up and carries you to his house and into his room.

*Kay's POV*

That bitch has another thing coming at her. How dare she go after Zach and actually win him over. She is so petty and does anything she can to get the attention of others. It looks like it's not just Zach though. All the boys have been naughty.

Kay: Looks like we're going to have to punish them.

Jacob: Yes, yes we are.

Kay: Make it a blood bash, but don't touch Zach. Don't mess up his pretty face.

Jacob: Yes ma'am.

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