Chapter 13

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*Jonah's POV*

Jacob put a damn knife to her neck ! My blood started boiling ! My quick instinct was to get to her as fast as possible. I took a step and Jacob put the blade closer. I knew that if I went any further, he would kill her with no hesitation.

Jonah: Let. Her. Go.

Jacob: You're all bark kid. You're not going to do shit.

Gabby and Christina peeked the corner and saw what was happening. The made a quick plan and distracted Jacob. I quickly and swiftly grabbed Y/N out of his grasps and pulled her close to me. She hugged me tight and I could feel her tears through my shirt as she buried her head into my chest. I slid my hand up and down her back as we took a couple of steps back. Christina attacks Kay which surprised all of us. Daniel then comes over and take Y/N from my arms. She quickly latches her arms around Daniel's body and holds him tight. She was.....scared. She cried hard and then she did, I looked at Zach. Zach wasn't mad at me. He gave me a "thank you" look. He joined me in front of Jacob and we were ready for a fight.

*Your POV*

You were clinging onto someone, crying. Everything for you was a blur. You couldn't even see the present day events. All you could see was a memory from when you were little. Your dad was arguing with your mom and you tried to help her. You walked in to the room and told your dad to stop. Your mom was in the corner of the room, frightened. He came up to you and held you in the same position that Jacob held you in and told your mom, "If you ever try to fight back, I will kill her." You blink fast and come back to reality. You look to your left to see Zach and Jonah fighting Jacob. You pull back from the comfort and face Daniel. He gives you a small smile as Corbyn and Jack emerge from behind him. He wipes a tear away and smiles.

Corbyn: You don't have to be tough Y/N.

Jack: Crying doesn't make you weak.

Daniel: Tears are beautiful too.

You grew a huge smile as you cried hard again. All three of them hugged you and made you feel safe. Gabby then came and gave you a huge hug. You looked behind her and saw Kay on the floor. She gets up and punches Christina hard. You quickly make your way over to her and help her out. You hit Kay to the ground and then help Christina up.

Y/N: Told you not to mess with the wrong crowd.

You teased and smirked.

Christina: I'm tougher than you make me out to be.

She teased back and nudged your side with her elbow.

Y/N: It's a 2v1 on both ends here Kay. You're out numbered.

Kay looked around and saw you, Gabby, and Christina in front of her and the rest of the boys around Jacob. For the first time, Jacob was indeed intimidated and so was Kay. The next thing you knew, there were tons of kids gathering around to watch. You looked at them. Familiar faces. All the kids that are here, are the kids that you have helped out through all these years. You grabbed Kay and dragged her over to the boys. You threw her next to Jacob as you stood between Zach and Jonah. Everyone else gathered around them, joining you.

Y/N: We're not going to let you hurt us anymore Kay.

Kay: This is a bunch of bullshit. If anything, I feel bullied and harassed ! Look at how all of you circle around me like a bunch of animals.

Zach: Hey, maybe we are animals.

All of the boys howled and you smiled and giggled at there silliness. Zach takes a hold of your hand. You look at him and he blushes while biting his lip. He then whispers while everyone else is talking smack to Kay and Jacob.

Zach: I'm sorry. I didn't really mean what I said back in class and I'm sorry. You're the one I've always loved. Since the day we met, you've always been on my mind.

Y/N: It's alright Zach....and I'm also sorry. I know I fucked up when I kissed Jonah, but I-

Zach: It's alright. I know it was in the moment and it was because you were hurt and felt alone. I already talked to Jonah about this and it's alright.

Jonah looks at both of you and nods his head confirming that everything was good. You looked at Zach and smiled. He gave you a kiss on the cheek and then you both turned your attention to Kay and Jacob again.

Kay: You are all sickos !

Y/N: No Kay. We're not. We're just normal people trying to live a normal life, but you're getting in the way of that. Let us walk where we please, love who we want, and do what we want to do. Our lives aren't yours to be playing with.

You feel someone take hold of your other hand and you look down. It was Jonah. He didn't make eye contact though, he stared forward and made no movements. You turned your attention back and continued.

Y/N: From now on, we live how we want. We don't need to be frightened because of you and your friends. You don't run this school anymore....we do.

The crowd cheers as you turn around and start walking away. You ignore every comment that comes out of Kay's mouth and you flip her off in the coolest way possible. She screams in frustration and that makes you smile. You make it off campus and start walking through the alley again. You feel a lot of eyes on you. You stopped waking and didn't turn around. You dropped your head and then looked up again, smiling.

Y/N: Come on losers. Who's trying to play some video games and eat pizza ?!

You turn around to see huge smiles across all of the boy's faces. They run up to you and join you in the walk back to the apartments. Zach's hand is in yours and then you let go so that he can give your little sister a hug. You all walked into Jonah's house and pizza was already on the table. Before going up to your room to change, you kiss Zach on the lips as the boys tease. You head to your room and start changing. You put on another one of Jonah's hoodies and your leggings. You hear a knock on your door and you go to open it. As soon as you turn the knob, the person bursts in, grabs your face, pins you against the wall, and kisses you softly, but aggressively. It was dark in your room, but your lips knew that taste too well. You quickly pushed the person back and turned the lights on. You then whisper shouted.

Y/N: Jonah ! What are you doing ?!

Jonah: I need you Y/N. I need all of you.

To Be Continued

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