Chapter 4

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*Jonah's POV*

She shoulder checks me and walks away like nothing.

Jonah: Did she just shoulder check me ?

Zach: It looked like it.

I turned back to face the boys, but I look at the floor and let out a small laugh. I then look up.

Daniel: Is that a smile I see across your face ?

Jonah: Shut up.

Zach: It totally is.

I grabbed Zach and messed up his hair and then I did the same to Daniel. We shared a laugh and then started walking to the stage.

*Jacob's POV*

Those losers are really starting to get on my nerves. That punk Zach is all Kay ever talks about. She's suppose to like me, not him. Daniel and Zach seem to be warming up to Y/N. That's not good. For them atleast. Jonah seems to be disobeying as well. Wait until Kay finds out about this.

*Corbyn's POV*

Where are the guys ? Kay is getting impatient. I'm already in deep shit and I know Jack isn't going to do anything to protect me. I need Jonah here. Just as I think that, they turn the corner. I gave them a wave and they walked over to Jack and I. We shared bro hugs and then talked about what classes we got and who was in them. We started to whisper a bit because Kay wasn't that far from us.

Corbyn: I got Christina in two of my classes.

A smile grew across my face as the boys pushed me around and started saying stuff.

Zach: I got-

Jacob: Hey Kay ! Can I talk to you for a minute ?

Jacob gives us all the eye of a predator about to eat its prey. Kay walks over to him and they started talking. After they finished, Kay turned around and started walking towards us.

Kay: Hey boys, why don't you guys go home and get some rest. Okay ?

We all shared confused looks, but then Jonah speaks up.

Jonah: Yeah. Alright Kay. We'll see you later.

We get up and start to walk away.

Kay: Bye boys. Bye Zachy !

Zach rolls his eyes as always and continues to walk with us.

Jack: What the hell was that about ?

Jonah: This isn't good.

Corbyn: What isn't ?

I was kind of scared. When Jonah says stuff like that, that means shit is about to go down.

Jonah: Corbyn, when you wanted to talk to Christina, who defended you ?

Corbyn: Y/N.

Jonah: Jack, passing period going to 6th, who did you ask about bathrooms ?

Jack: Y/N and Zach.

Jonah: Zach and Daniel. Who were we talking to after 6th ?

Daniel: Y/N.

Zach: Oh, I now see why this is bad.

Jonah: Yeah this is horrible. While we were talking to Y/N after 6th, I saw Jacob in the corner of my eye watching. That's why I told you guys to come with me.

Corbyn: Now we're all going to get it.

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