Chapter 2

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Mr. Black: Can I see your schedule ?

Zach: Sure.

Zach hands him his schedule and Mr. Black and your uncle look at it.

Y/U/N: He has the exact same schedule as Y/N.

*Your POV*

You're running towards the music room and finally make it. You walk inside and get settled. You have been taking this class since school started, but you always signed up for the basics because Mr. Black teaches something new every year and you've actually learned a lot from it. The classroom is different from the others. There's a stage and there aren't any desks. Only seats lined up in rows. You sat in your usual seat in the back left corner and waited for the other students to arrive. As the door opened you swung your head to make eye contact with Christina. She looks at you and smiles. She then goes over to you and sits next to you.

Chistina: Hi.

Y/N: Hello.

Everyone sits down at a seat of their choice until Mr. Black finally speaks.

Mr. Black: Alright kiddos. Seating chart time.

Everyone sighed and stood up except for you. He looked over at you and laughed.

Mr. Black: Alright Y/N. You can have that seat for the 4th time in a row.

As he went through seating everyone, you wondered if Christina was going to be seated next to you or in front of you. You hear her name get called in the dead center of the class. She's not that far, but kind of far. You shrugged and then kept on thinking about what this year is going to be like. Are you still going to fight ? Are you willing to lose everything to protect the innocent ? Your head started floating with questions and theories until Mr. Black brought you back to reality with these words.

Mr. Black: Aaaaand Zach you will be seated there.

He points to the chair right next to you. It's not even an inch away. As Zach made his way to the chair, your heart started pounding and you could feel your face burning up. You looked down hoping no one would notice and no one did. You all picked your instruments. You picked an acoustic guitar and so did Zach. Christina picked a ukelele. The end of the class came around and you were finally free to leave and not see Zach anymore. You walk into your next period which is English and as usual, you guys get the seating chart. You get put in the back again. This time Christina is in your group. There's an empty desk at your group though. As the thought ran through your head, someone walked through the door. You closed your eyes tightly hoping that it wasn't Zach. Then you heard it. The voice that you can play in your head over and over again for hours and hours.

Zach: I'm sorry I'm late.

Teacher: It's alright Zach. Your seat is over there with group G.

Zach comes over and sits down. You feel it again. The heat, the butterflies, the pounding.

*Time jump because it's basically the same thing*

You just finished 4th period and you're going off to lunch. Your 3rd period was computer class and your 4th was history and of course, Zach was in both of them. Your face has never been so heated before. Atleast you knew that lunch is your getaway to be the tough kid again. As you're walking past the cafeteria, you see a kid get pinned to a wall. You stop and stare at the guy that's pinning him. He spots you and quickly let's the kid go and runs away. You continue walking and then see Christina in the distance. You shrugged and were about to walk away until you saw who she was talking to and where she was. She was by the stage AGAIN talking to Corbyn. AGAIN ! You quickly make your way over there and grab her arm. She turns around shocked and looks at you then smiles.

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