Chapter 5

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*Your POV*

You make it home and run straight upstairs into your room. You drop your stuff on the ground and plop down on your bed. You take your phone out and take the case off. You grab the paper that you hid behind it in 5th period. You opened it up and started typing the number into your phone. You stopped and thought about it for a while. You signed heavily and then sent a message saying "hey" and then you turn the screen off. You threw your phone away from you as you buried your head into your knees.

Y/N: I can't believe I just did that.

Your small grey and white blue-eyed husky walks over to you and jumps on the bed. You pet him softly and wait for your phone to buzz.

*Zach's POV*

The boys and I all live in the same apartment complex, so we would hang out all day everyday. We made it home and we went our separate ways to leave our stuff. We were going to meet up at the small eating area that we have here. I walk into my house and say hi to my family. I make it into my room and set everything in its place. I walk outside and see the boys at the place already. I join them and we talk for about 5 minutes until Jacob came. Jacob also lives here. Sadly. He stood at our table and stared at us concerned.

Jacob: So, you losers want to tell me why you all interacted with Y/N earlier.

Jack: I just asked about the nearest bathroom.

Jacob: You still talked to her.

Jack scooted closer to Daniel. I was on the other side of the table and Corbyn was in front of me. To Corbyn's left was Jonah. To my left was Daniel and then Jack. I could tell that everyone was intimidated except for Jonah. Even I was. One wrong move and we're all dead, right here right now. Jonah tries to reason with him which isn't making our situation any better. I then feel a vibration in my pocket. I take out my phone to see a message that says "hey" from a random number. It has to be Y/N. I smiled down at my phone, but it was the wrong move. Jacob came over quick and took my phone from my hands.

Zach: Hey !

Jacob: This isn't Kay's number.

He waved the phone in my face showing me something that I already knew. I narrowed my eyes and snatched my phone back. Jacob laughed.

Jacob: Is it that Y/N girl ? You know, her and I had a thing before you losers came along ?

My eyes grew wide. I was shocked at the words coming out of his mouth.

Jacob: You really think you got a chance with her ? She goes for guys like me. Not little boys like you.

He pushes me back and I lean up against the bench. He points at my face.

Jacob: You're nothing but a little loser. Do you even realize that Kay is all over you and you're just out here playing games. Kay is where it's at. I should know, I've seen EVERYTHING Y/N's got.

He smirks. My blood starts to boil and I clench my fist. Within milliseconds, I punched him in the face as hard as I could. After, my eyes went wide and Jonah got in between us. He kept Jacob away.

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