Chapter 7

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*Your POV*

You both stood there in silence. All you were able to hear was the rain. His face was just as red as yours. He took a step closer to you and grabbed your other hand as well. Your heart was pounding.

Zach: I'm not the only one that needs your help though.

Just as he says that, Daniel, Jack, and Corbyn turn the corner. You let go of Zach's hands fast. You were in shock.

Zach: Not only am I going to get hurt, but they are too.

They all have sad and frightened faces. Then, Jonah turns the corner. You take a step back and Ghost gets in front of you. You narrow your eyes and look at Jonah.

Y/N: What is he doing here ?!

Jonah: Y/N, I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I really am. Look, we're all in trouble and we don't know what to do.

Y/N: Oh. So, now that you guys have a problem, you want to come running to me like we've been best friends for years, huh.

Zach: Y/N it's not like that.

Jack then whispers, but a little too loud.

Jack: Fuck, it didn't work.

You all turn to look at Jack. Jonah sighs.

Y/N: What didn't work ?

Jonah: It was nothing-

Y/N: Bullshit !

Corbyn and Daniel took a step back. You look at all of them. You then turn and look at Zach.

Y/N: What didn't work ?

*Zach's POV*

FUCK ! FUCK ! FUCK ! Why did Jack say that ! Oh no, she's so pissed. No ! Why did Jack have to open his mouth ! She turns to look at me.

Y/N: What didn't work ?

I didn't know what to say because the plan was to try to lead her on to get her to help us, but I actually feel something for her now.

*Your POV*

You stare at Zach waiting for an answer. He sighs and groans.

Daniel: He was suppose to lead you on so that you could help us !

Daniel covers his mouth and all of our eyes grew wide. Your jaw drops. You could feel the tears coming to your eyes.

Y/N: Zach, is that true ?

Zach: Yes, but-

Y/N: Don't Zach.

Your voice cracks with the next words that you say.

Y/N: How could you do something like that ? Who would ever do something like that ?

You crossed your arms and stepped back. You couldn't hold it in anymore. The tears started streaming down your face as you ran past all the boys. Ghost runs after you.

*Zach's POV*

Zach: Y/N ! WAIT !

She turned the corner and she was gone. I punch the wall and then looked at the boys. I walked up to Jack and pinned him up against the wall.

Zach: If you didn't open your fucking mouth, this wouldn't have happened.

Jonah: Let go Zach.

Zach: But-

Jonah: I said let go.

I let go of Jack and took a couple steps back. All the boys started walking away except Corbyn.

Zach: Where are you guys going ?

Jonah: Home. There's no reason for us to be here anymore. She's not going to help, so we have to figure this out on our own.

I stared at them in shock as they just walked away as if nothing happened. I yelled one more time and punched the wall again. I then realized I punch the bottom part of the panda art. I looked up at it and tears started to form in my eyes.

Corbyn: You fell for her huh.

I turned around fast to see Corbyn still here. I then nodded and a tear fell from my eye. He quickly came up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back and sobbed into his chest. He rubbed my back and he started crying too.

Corbyn: I fell for Christina too. I know how you feel man.

We hugged tighter and cried a little more before heading home.

*Your POV*

You ran home as fast as you could. You made it and ran straight up to your room. You changed from your wet clothes to a tank top and shorts and then cried yourself to sleep.

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