Chapter 9

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You ignored the boys for the rest of the day. The end of school soon came and you went straight home. As soon as you got there, you heard your mom screaming from the kitchen. You ran over as fast as you could and she was bleeding from her mouth. Your dad stood in front of her with her blood on one fist and a bottle of alcohol in the other. You were tired of the hell that your dad put your mom through. You push your dad back and punched him in the face. You quickly grab your mom and start heading for the door. Rose and Ghost are already there waiting. Your mom manages to make it, but you dad grabs you and pulls you back. You command your mom to leave with Rose and Ghost. She listens. You're left alone in the house with your dad. He slaps you hard.

Dad: How dare you treat me this way ! You know everything I've been through !

Y/N: How about everything you're putting us through !

He slaps you once again.

Dad: Don't use that tone with me ! You hear ?!

You push him, but he comes back and slaps you harder. Your mouth is now bleeding and your face is starting to feel numb. Tears came to your eyes as it was starting to hurt.

Dad: I knew you were weak. You're such a disappointment !

He punches your stomach and you fall to your knees, hitting the ground hard. He kicks your face and that's when everything starts to get blurry. A pool of blood is growing as you spit on the floor. You hear noises, but you can't make out exactly what's going on. You look to your right and see your dad fall onto the floor with a bloody nose. He was out cold. One by one, tears slipped from your eyes. Someone grabs you and you push away, scared. You were trembling. The person bends down and hugs you. When they hugged you, you felt safe. Secure. You hugged back tightly. You balled into their arms for a while. You finally decide to pull back and see who your savior was. You slowly trace their body with you eyes and then make eye contact with them. Your eyes grow sad.

Y/N: W- What are you doing here ? How did you know I lived here ?

???: I still owed you an apology for the other day. So, I'm sorry. I really am. I see now why you're tough. You don't deserve to live this life.

You cried more and they held you tighter for another minute. You then broke the silence. With a broken voice, you call their name.

Y/N: J-Jonah.

Jonah: Yeah ?

Y/N: Thank you.

Jonah: Don't mention it Y/N. Come on, let's get you out of here.

He picks you up bridal style and carries you out of the house closing the front door with his foot. He walked over to the  car in the driveway. It was his car. Your mom, Rose, and Ghost were in the car already. He put you in the passenger seat and buckled you in.  He then wiped a tear from you cheek and handed you a rag to clean your face. He closed the door as you wiped your mouth clean. He got in the driver side, backed out of the driveway and started driving.

Rose: Where are we going ?

Y/N: Anywhere but the house.

You said in a serious tone as you stared out your window. You feel a touch on your shoulder and you look. Jonah is lightly rubbing your shoulder. You smile at the comfort he's trying to give you. Maybe Jonah wasn't so bad after all. A couple minutes go by and you pull up to a gate. Jonah puts in the code and drives in. He parks his car in his parking space.

Jonah: You guys can stay with me for as long as you like. My parents don't mind.

Y/N: No, Jonah it's okay. We don't want to be a burden.

Jonah: I insist. My parents are ones that help families that are like this. Come on, please. I want you all to be safe.

Jonah looks directly at you and raises his eyebrows.

Jonah: Don't you want them to be safe ?

Your eyes water as you nod your head. Jonah's parents came out of the house and Rose, Ghost, and Mom got out to say hello. They thanked them as well. Jonah had texted them what happened as you were leaving your house. You and Jonah stayed in the car for another minute in silence, but it wasn't awkward silence. It was peaceful. Calming. You were shaking as the thought of your dad hitting you came to your head. Jonah takes a hold of your hand.

Jonah: It's going to be okay. He's never going to hurt you or your family ever again.

That's when the tears started to slip out one by one. He wiped you cheeks with the back of his hand. You twitched at first, but then you let him. You both soon got out of the car and walked towards Jonah's house. His house was the biggest out of the rest. His parents owned the community so they had the biggest building. They also need the space to help families. You follow him inside.

*Time skip to later that night*

You were about to go to bed and realized that you didn't have any other clothes except for the ones you're wearing. Jonah's mom then comes in and places a pile of old plain clothes for you on the edge of the bed. You smile at her and she returns it as she walks out. You grabbed the clothes and looked at them. As you were about to take your shirt off, you were startled by a voice.

???: You're not actually going to wear that, are you ?

You turn to see Jonah. He walks in and hands you on of his hoodies.

Jonah: It's the least I can do.

You take it and then motion him to get out. You change into black leggings, and Jonah's hoodie. You were just wearing a bra underneath. No shirt. You then put your shoes back on.

*Time skip to midnight*

You're about to take your shoes off and go to bed when you hear someone outside your door. You walk over slowly and as you're about to grab the knob, the door swings open and someone grabs your wrist. They pull you as they're running downstairs and out the front door. You run under a streetlight and it exposes Jonah. He was the one leading you somewhere. You both ran to a bench and sat down out of breath.

Y/N: What are we doing here ?

You say out of breath. Jonah looks at you and replies.

Jonah: Meeting.

Y/N: Meeting ?

???: Hey Y/N.

You froze. Chills went up your spine and the hairs on the back of your neck stood tall. Your heart started pounding so hard that it felt like it was about to pop out of your chest. You close your eyes tight and bite your lip, hoping that you were dreaming.

Jonah: You okay Y/N ?

???: I'm sorry for everything that happened Y/N. Look I really really really like you and what Daniel said was true, but that was before I saw you standing in the moonlight, under the stars.

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