Chapter 8

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You woke up the next morning to your phone ringing. You rub your swollen, red eyes and grabbed your phone. It was Zach. You already had three missed calls from him and he's still trying to call you. You click decline and throw your phone across the room. Ghost then appears seconds later with the phone in his mouth. You look at him and sigh loudly.

Y/N: No Ghost ! It's not fetch.

You grab the phone and throw it again. Ghost then comes back with it once again. The phone started ringing again and you hit decline. About one minute later,you get a voicemail. It was from Zach. You hesitated and then picked the phone up and listened to it.

*Zach's POV*

I'm trying so hard to try and get a hold of her. She's not picking up and I'm really worried. Corbyn spent the night with me and he's encouraging me to try. She declines my call again and I sigh.

Corbyn: Leave a voice message.

I looked at the phone and put it on speaker. Then it beeps. I hesitated for a split second until I got the courage to speak.

Zach: Y/N, I'm really sorry about what happened. I didn't want it to end up this way. You don't know thus, but you mean a lot to me. Way more than you can imagine.

I paused as my eyes filled with tears. Corbyn put his hand on my shoulder and I continued.

Zach: We really need you. I.....I-I really need you.

With that, I broke out crying and Corbyn grabbed the phone.

Corbyn: Y/N, it's Corbyn. He's broken knowing that he hurt you. It wasn't his intention. You're really important to him. Probably more important than the boys and I. Ever since he was able to talk to you, he wouldn't shut up about you. You're all he talks about. You're always on his mind. You're all he needs. Please Y/N. You don't have to talk or be friendly with us, but at least try with him.

Corbyn then ends the call and the message delivered.

*Your POV*

Your eyes filled with tears as you heard the words Zach said. Your heart broke even more when you heard him crying. The words Corbyn told you made you breakdown. You started crying and Ghost laid on your lap to comfort you. As Corbyn's talking, you can hear Zach crying his eyes out in the background. You wanted to be with him so bad, but you were just so hurt. The message ended and you kept on crying for another five minutes.

*Time Jump*

You made it to school. Your hoodie was on and your hair was kind of in your face. You didn't want anyone to see that you've been crying. You didn't want to show them that you're weak. You were walking towards the pep stage when you saw a girl getting bullied. You stopped in your tracks and walked over to them.

Bully(girl): You're such a slut. You're a senior and you're already pregnant ! What a whore.

The girl started crying and then the bully slapped her. You grabbed the girl and pulled her out of the way. You then punched the bully to the ground. When you were done with her, she had blood coming out of her nose and red spots that will turn into bruises. She ran off scared. You took out some of your anger on her. Not all of it though. The rest had a name on it. Kay. You turned to look at the girl.

Y/N: Are you okay ?

She gave you a tight hug and sobbed in your arms as you hugged her back.

Girl: Thank you so much.

She pulls back and wipes her tears.

Girl: My name's Gabriela, but you can call me Gabbie.

Y/N: Nice to meet you Gabbie. I'm Y/N.

You remember what they bully said and you look at her stomach. She notices and covers it with her arms.

Gabbie: You can't tell anyone. If anyone finds out who the dad is, I'm dead.

You gave her a smile and nodded. She noticed your red eyes.

Gabbie: Are you okay ?

You turned around and started walking to the stage and Gabbie joined you.

Gabbie: I'm sorry, it just looks like you've been crying.

Y/N: It's nothing.

Gabbie goes silent and continues on with you. She slows down when she sees Kay. You keep on walking towards Kay, determined. You see the boys in the back. they all look at you shocked and surprised. Kay then spots you.

Kay: Y/N ?! What have I told you about coming here ?! This is my area ! Stay in your lane.

Before she could get another word out, you punched her hard. She fell to the ground and all the boys raised their eyebrows. You got her pretty good. Your knuckle cut her cheek and she was bleeding. Tear streamed from her eyes as you kicked her stomach to keep her on the ground. You then kneel down and grab her by the shirt. You pulled her close so she can hear you.

Y/N: You hurt them and I will hurt you worse !

You both look at the boys and then back at each other. Kay sobs and you throw her back on the floor to let her cry. You got up and backed away a bit. You looked at the boys and nodded, still hurt. You started walking backwards, turned around, and walked off with Gabbie at your side.

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