Chapter 12

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*Your POV*

Here you are. Making out with Jonah at the top of a parking lot structure, instead of with Zach. But....Zach hurt you. Jonah was there during the incident with your dad and he's here now. Was Zach always the one you were in love with or was it the feeling of knowing that if you got close to him, you'd get close to Jonah ?

*Jonah's POV*

Why am I making out with Y/N ? She's Zach girl. Okay yeah, they're not dating so that means that she's still single. Whatever, that doesn't matter. Zach is my boy and I can't do this to him, but.....I am. I did. She pulls away slowly and flutters her eyes open. She looked at me and I did the same. I wanted her taste again. Her lips were so soft and sweet. I glance at her lips then back at her eyes. she slowly licked the inner part of her lips. I pulled her closer and kissed her once again, she kissed back. My heart was beating so fast. It was because I was scared to fall for her because of Zach. The scariest part is that....I think I did fall. Can't she see that I'm falling.

*Your POV*

You still have huge feelings for Zach, but something about Jonah is making your heart beat fast. He pulls away this time.

Jonah: We have to get to school.

You nod and give him a small smile as he gives one back.

Y/N: We should keep this moment to ourselves.

Jonah: Agreed.

*Time Skip*

You both make it back to school and it was already lunch.

Y/N: Damn. We missed half of the day.

Jonah: Yeah I know. Alright well I'm going to go with the boys. Remember, we don't talk about it.

You nodded your head and waved at him goodbye as he did the same. You went to your 5th period math class to get there early. When you walked in, you waved at your math teacher and saw Zach sitting in his seat with his head down. The teacher then leaves the class to do something real quick. Leaving you and Zach alone. You walk up to the table and tap his back lightly. He turns around fast and snaps.

Zach: I told you to leave me the fuck alone !

You take two steps back as you felt like you were going to have a panic attack. Zach's eyes get wide and he quickly stands up.

Zach: Oh shit, I'm sorry Y/N. I thought you were Kay.

Y/N: Yeah, why wouldn't you be expecting her. You two did kiss after all.

You crossed your arms and looked to the ground. You chewed on your bottom lip as you remember the things you did with Jonah.

Zach: Y/N it's not what it looked like. I swear.

Y/N: What was it suppose to look like ?

Zach: SHE kissed ME.

Y/N: Yeah, but you kissed back.

Zach: Only because I thought it was you !

Y/N: Yeah right. First you trick me into coming to the alley and you were pretending to like me and then you seduce me in your bedroom ! Do you really have feelings for me or are you faking it for your own goddamn pleasure ?!

Zach: I didn't fake anything ! These feelings aren't fake Y/N !

Y/N: Oh really !?

Zach: Yes, really !

Y/N: I don't believe you.

Zach: Then fucking don't bitch !

Y/N: Fuck you asshole !

*Zach's POV*

Zach: You know what ? I'M GLAD I KISSED KAY !!

That was a lie. She looked hurt, but then the next words that she said hurt me even more.

*Your POV*


You instantly regret saying it. Not only because you knew it would hurt him, but because you promised Jonah that you would keep your mouth shut. This could end their friendship. A wave of sadness washes over his face and all you could think of doing was getting out of there as fast as possible. You walked backwards, running into desks and chairs. You finally turned around and ran out of the room as the teacher was walking in. You ran as fast as you could to the nearest bathroom and stayed in there all period. You texted Jonah and told him what happened. He said that it was okay and that you both were going to figure out how to solve this problem together. You stayed in the bathroom longer than you thought. The final bell rang and it was time to go home. You ran out of the bathroom bumping into some girls that cussed at you on your way out. You started walking once you got to the cafeteria. You took a couple deep breaths and then hear a commotion coming from the back of the cafeteria. You quickly go over to see what's going on. You turn the corner to see all the boys lined up against the wall and Jonah getting his ass kicked by Jacob. Kay is standing right next to Zach, watching. Her hand was in his. It broke your heart to see that, but your main priority was to get Jacob off of Jonah. You quickly drop all of your stuff and run up to Jacob and push him off of Jonah. Jacob gets up quick and swings at you. You dodge it and then punch his stomach. Jonah gets up to his feet and stands his ground too. It was now two against one. Jacob punches Jonah's face and made his way around to slap you. He grabs your arm and pulls you close.

Jonah: Don't fucking touch her.

Jacob: Aww that's cute. You've fallen for her after your bro fell for her first.

Jonah: T-That's not true.

Jacob: Don't fucking lie to me. Love is written all over your face. It's disgusting.

You stare at Jonah and can see right through his lie. He had fallen for you, but you're still in love with Zach.

Y/N: Jonah....

Jacob: Shut up bitch !

Jacob pulls a pocket knife out and puts it up against your throat. Your eyes start to tear up a bit.

*Jonah's POV*

I know I shouldn't have fallen for her, but I did. I have to accept the fact that I don't have a chance because of Zach. Seeing Jacob take hold of her like that makes me want to protect her until the end of time. He puts a knife to her throat and that's when all hell breaks loose.

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