Chapter 6

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*Zach's POV*

I text Y/N and ask her if she wants to meet up with me. I feel bad because I'm not telling her that the other guys are going to be there. I feel something fall on my head and I look up. The sun had been covered in clouds and it's now sprinkling. Now I feel even worse. My phone buzzes and it's her. She said that she can meet. I told her to meet me in the alley by school. There's this really beautiful alley that has amazing art all over it. The boys and I love walking by there.

Zach: She said that she'll meet us.

Jonah: Really ?

Corbyn: Did you tell her that we're all going to be there ?

Zach: See um -

Jack: Yeah he didn't tell her.

Zach: Shut up Jack !

Corbyn: Yeah Jack, let him talk.

The boys stared at me.

Daniel: Well, did you ?

Zach: No.

Jack: I rest my case.

Zach: Jack !

Jonah: Knock it off. Both of you. It doesn't matter if he told her or not. I don't think she'll mind if you 3 show up. I'm the problem here.

Corbyn: Okay, but we're not going without you.

Daniel: Yeah, we stick together. We're a pack.

Jack: Yeah, maybe we don't come in right away.

*Jonah's POV*

After Jack says that, I get a crazy idea. It might just work though.

Jonah: Alright guys, I got a plan.

Everyone comes close to hear me correctly.

*Your POV*

You made it to the alley, but you were on the other side of it. You started walking through looking at the walls. You were impressed by how much more art has been painted there. The only part that sucked was that it was lightly raining. Ghost was walking along side you, without a leash of course because he's a good, trained dog. The closer you got to the end of the alley, you saw someone leaning up against the wall. You walk closer and Ghost gets in front of you and starts growling. You then realize it's Zach and calm Ghost down. He takes his hoodie off and faces you.

Zach: Hey.

Y/N: Hi.

There's an unwanted silence for about 10 seconds as you admire the rest of the art.

Zach: It's beautiful huh.

Y/N: Yeah. It really is.

*Zach's POV*

The clouds took out every bit of light and made it look like it was nighttime. Though, there was a bit of light shining off of Y/N's eyes. It looked....beautiful. I felt the feeling again. My cheeks heating up. The way she admired the art looked amazing. The way her hoodie rested on her head. Not completely covering the top, but just enough so that it didn't fall off. Her dog guarding her made her look even more precious. I was star struck by her beauty. She saw a painting of a panda and a smile grew on her face. My heart began to race. It was getting harder to breathe. My hands started to shake a little bit. Maybe it could be because it was a little cold. She looked at me and smiled. I basically melted into her eye contact.

Y/N: So, why did you want to meet ?

Oh shoot, I almost forgot. I zoned out a little too long to the point that I forgot why I called her out here.

Zach: Oh right. My bad.

I let out a small laugh and she giggled. I've never seen her like this before. It was like she came from another universe. She's so tough on the outside, but on the inside, I can tell she's sensitive.

Zach: So um...I need your help.

Y/N: With what ?

She raised one eyebrow and looked at me.

Zach: Kay has this friend named Jacob and since I have you for all my classes, he saw me talking to you.

Y/N: Let me guess. He didn't like it so he was a snitch and told Kay.

Zach: Yeah.

Y/N: So, does this want me to....stop talking to you ?

Hearing her say that made me feel a huge pain in my chest. I love talking to her and hanging out with her. I only got her to start talking to me again, I can't let it end now. I can see the hurt in her eyes growing the more time I took to answer.

Zach: No. You just started talking to me again. I don't want to lose that.

I held her hand in mine. My face was definitely red. I could feel it. Surprisingly, her cheeks were rosy red too. D-Does she like me ?

*Your POV*

You were looking around at the alley admiring all the beauty, waiting for Zach to say something. You then look into his eyes and smiled at him for picking an amazing spot to meet up in. Aside from the rain and darkness, it was beautiful. Some of the art even had glow in the dark paint. Which made it amazing to look at. You then asked him why he brought you here and he started acting goofy. You giggled at him. He told you what happened and said some sweet things. Then, he took a hold of your hand. 'D-Does he like me ?' you thought to yourself.

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