Chapter 3

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You get to your next class which is math. You got there a little early. There was still 10 minutes left until lunch ended and another 6 minutes for everyone to get to class. You walked in and asked the teacher where you're going to be seated so you can take it now. She points to the back whiteboard table that's up against the wall with 2 chairs on each side. You sit in the one closest to the wall and lean your head up against the wall.

Math Teacher: I will be right back. Take care of the classroom for me.

Y/N: Alright.

She leaves and it's just you now. You cross your arms on the table and bury your face into them. The door opens and you just guessed it was the teacher. Maybe she forgot something. You didn't look up. You heard the footsteps get closer to you and you hear them in front of you on the other side of the table. The chair infront of you squeaks and the table moves. You look up quick and your eyes meet with Zach. You were so shocked that you froze up. He looked at you with hurt in his eyes.

Zach: I'm sorry about Jonah. He says a lot of stuff before thinking.

You couldn't speak. You were choking on your own words because of Zach's presence. He looked at you and sighed. Then he looked down.

Zach: I understand if you're upset with me too.

Y/N: No !

Zach looked up at you shocked.

Y/N: I um....I mean. How could anyone be mad at you. Look at you. I mean. Um. You didn't wrong do anything. I mean you didnt do anything wrong.

Zach looks at you and giggles at your struggle. Your face heats up as you admire his smile.

Zach: Well, I'm glad you're not mad at me.

Y/N: Y-You are ?

Zach: Well, yeah. I mean, you're pretty cool and I was kind of hoping that we could be friends.

Y/N: I um.....I would want to, but...

Zach looks at you with a sad face.

Zach: Is it me ?

Y/N: No no ! It's not you. It's Kay. I already "ruined" Corbyn. I don't want you to be put in the same situation.

Zach: We don't have to tell anyone.

Zach smiles at you as his cheeks get even more rosey than they already were. You can't help yourself, but smile at him.

*Zach's POV*

Why are my cheeks getting so red. I can feel my face heating up, but I don't know why. She then grows a smile on her face. This is the first time I've seen her smile. It was beautiful. She should smile more often. We talked for a couple more minutes until class started. Luckily, the seats we were in are our assigned seats. I didn't really understand the math, but Y/N understood it like it was childsplay. She's super smart. She's been the smartest kid since I first met her in 7th grade. We talked for about a week until I met Kay. After I met Kay, Y/N and I never talked again after. I now see that Kay was the reason behind it. The bell was about to ring for us to go to 6th period.

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