1. Chapter

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The twins were sitting on the sofa of their appartment in New York. They came there for a workshop, which took place the day before and the next day would be their flight back to LA for the World of Dance. But for now there was nothing to do, so they decided to watch a movie together. But both of them had to control themselves, because they hadn't been dancing the whole day and they knew it would end with them going out for the club to have some fun. The movie played along to Lau massaging Larry's scalp and playing with his fro. The older twin loved cuddling with his little brother, even if Larry rejected him sometimes when they were not alone. But when they were, the younger one loved it just as much as his brother. Larry took Lau's hand and turned on one of his skull shaped rings to amuse himself. Both of them enjoyed this sweet moment of brotherly love until the movie was over. The sun set at the horizon when Larry started to move and eventually sat up. Laurents mouth formed to a small pout.
"Nooon don't go!", he whined like a small kid and hold his arms out to Larry. Letting go meant to go to the club and going to the club meant to not hold his little angle like he wanted to do this day. A small smile formed on Larry's face, because the love of Lau was just too sweet. With his strong hands Larry helped his brother up from the sofa and gave him a peck on the cheek in the same move.
"Come on bro, let's go do some dancing. I promise we cuddle when we come back."
With a sigh Lau accepted the suggestion and went for his room to change into a nice outfit. Larry followed his lead and did the same, to both of them meeting in the hallway again about ten minutes later. Lau dressed up in a black backwards jeans and a white shirt which was a bit oversized, his twists were covered by a black beanie. In the meantime Larry chose a black pair of backwards jeans also, but replaced the white shirt with a black one and a white jacket over it. Both of them smiled because they thought the same thing about wearing only black and white today. The only thing colored are their shoes. Larry wearing his favorite grey-black-green sneakers from Nike and Lau the same model just replaced the green with red. On their way out both of them joked around, tried to catch the other one to rub through his hair. Their connection this day was beautiful. Of some reason the twins recapped many of their childhood memories this day. Some days of playing around in their small house, doing hide and seek or playing basketball with their friends in the streets. Also they thought about their maman. She was a beautiful person, always kind and sweet. Everytime she stood behind them, no matter what they did. Leaving the school to start a dancing career was one of the things. Without her permission, the two wouldn't do anything. They were thinking so much they didn't even realize that the streets were getting darker, the people were getting shiftier (A/N I am not sure about that one... is that the correct word?) and the area was getting more and more of a ghetto. When they arrived at the club, Lau opened the door for Larry to get in. The smell of alcohol, sweat and drugs made both of their faces twist in disgust. But they would get used to it so they just kept walking into the crowd and searched for a place to start dancing. Once the place was found and a circle formed around them nothing could stop them. They were going straight into the music, the beat formed Larry's movement while Lau was really into the melody. The people around them cheered but soon the atmosphere was boring. The twins hated a bad atmosphere in clubs, so they decided to walk out and go back home. Once they were out, the cool breeze hit their faces and the boys from Paris just appreciated it. When they started to walk down the street, a voice was heard from behind them. And that wasn't a nice one at all.
"Hey! You guys! Turn around!", a manly voice yelled through the streets. Noone was near, they were all alone. Slowly Larry and Laurent turned around to see who yelled at them, but what they saw made their hearts drop to their knees. The guy who spoke had a gun in his hand, three others were equipped with baseball bats and knifes. They stood less than a chance against them. Larry's knees were getting week, his hands were trembling. Like an instinct Lau stepped in front of his brother to protect him, the only thing a big brother really cares about. He loved his little bunny and all that mattered to Laurent was his safety.
"What do you want?", Laurent asked with a thick french accent along to his strong voice.
"Fun.", the guy replied, his pronunciation telling Lau that he was from Britain.
"Fun in killing? Could think about something funnier."
Laurents eyes were stucked to the other mans ones.
"Oh you should try. The smell and taste of fresh blood is everything.", the guy said with a psychotic smile on his face. Larry started whining behind Laurent and took a tight hold to his brothers shirt. Maybe Larry looked like the tough one, but he in reality Laurent was the one remaining cool in situations like this. After some seconds of silence the man stepped forward, aiming the gun to Laurents chest.
"Say bye to your brother.", he demanded, but he wasn't willing to let him speak. His finger already pulled the trigger, but what he wasn't expecting was Larry. The younger twin pushed his brother away, the shot just touching Lau's shirt to ultimately land in Larry's chest. The young mans eyes widened in pure shock and hurt. A small red dot formed on his white jacket, grew with every moment that passed. The killer and his gang started to run, while Lau catched Larry just when he was about to fall to the floor. Tears formed in his eyes, running down his face immediately. Laurent sat down, laying his twin on his lap and squeezed the wound as tight as he could. Larry gasped for air, crying from hurt and fear.
"I don't wanna die.", he whispered in pure fear, making Lau cry even harder. His brother just can't die. He can't just leave him alone. What would he do without him.
"Y-You won't.", Lau whispered with a strangled voice.
"Just close your eyes. I will hold you and everything will be fine. I promise bunny."
His voice was nothing more than a whisper, his free hand caressed his brothers cheek, which was wet from tears. They looked into each others eyes for a long moment before Larry eventually whispered the sweetest three words and closed his eyes.
"I love you too.", Lau whispered before started to sob uncontrollably into his brothers blood strained chest.

Hard first chapter I know. I am crying, tell me guys what you are thinking. Are you crying or am I just a sensible baby? Okay okay this chapter is for yogi103 like the whole story. I hope you like it girl and really love you all. ❤

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