4. Chapter

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Right after noticing his brother being hungry, Laurent made his way down to the hospital cafeteria to get sandwiches and water. He wasn't able to express his whole feelings. His brother, his love, his soul, he was back. All the things they had to do together as soon as Larry got out of the hospital. With some small happy jumps and a song playing in Laurent's mind he looked down the menu. A waitress walked towards him, looking down his body before smiling at him.
"This looks like some good news across your face. What is the reason for that?"
Of course Lau had to smile.
"My twin brother is alive. No memories, but he is alive and just... his smile, his eyes, his lips, his voice. I missed everything. I was so afraid."
His reaction was so sweet to the waitress. She saw many emotions everyday, but this connection seemed beautiful.
"So you have your twin back... is there a Miss Sexy too?"
These words crashed part of Lau's happy attitude. He didn't want to be asked such questions. He hated them. He was in love with his brother, not allowed to show his emotions. Officially he was not even outed yet. After some seconds of silence he answered in a serious tone.
"I'm gay. I'm in love with all my heart. The sandwich with ham and eggs and an orange juice."
The happiness turned into overthinking. How was he supposed to not love his brother?
Back when Laurent walked out the door Larry stared at the door, letting out a breath he hold in for a long time. His mind was so chaotic, full and empty at once. No memories flew through his mind, but all the input he got the past hour filled him up completely. Most of all his feelings for his twin. There was no way he could forget about the first time seeing him, the thoughts he had then. His brother was beautiful, a real artwork of a man. Tattoos decorated the strong arms of the smoky caramel skinned man, muscles covered the back and his stomach. Larry wanted to feel that muscles under his fingers, the pink lips on his skin. The problem was, he had no idea why he would want that. Laurent was his twin brother, no one he could possibly fall for. So why was there this voice in his head telling him to do so?
Deep in thoughts Larry got up from the bed, almost groaning from the strong pain arousing from his chest, but he managed to walk over to the window and opened it. A light breeze touched his face, he couldn't remember how it feels like. With closed eyes he discovered everything like it was his first time ever. The sounds of cars driving, branches moving in the wind. Kids were playing football not far away, some birds sang their happy songs. The world was so beautiful in so many ways. How could he not remember anything? A small sigh escaped his mouth while Larry opened his eyes. He wanted to start all over with his brother. He wanted to be better then Lau used to know him. Loving, caring, having only eyes for him. He wanted that Lau called him cute or cute nicknames. He wanted that Lau would wish for nothing more then to hang out with him and just be brothers.
"But how am I supposed for do this?", he mumbled to himself.
His eyes landed on a phone on the nightstand. Maybe this was his? Slowly the man went over to grab it and turn it on. The background was him and Laurent, looking into each other's eyes with pure love, holding each others hands. The photo made him smile to himself, the looks on their faces were so pure. With his fingerprint he opened the phone and looked through the gallery first. Every single picture screamed for attention. Larry told himself he would look at those later, for now he had to find out how he could show Laurent what he was feeling. The next app he opened was WhatsApp. The chat names were so stupid, the only two pinned chats were "my other half❤" and "Eleni". He had not idea who Eleni was, but she looked fine on the profile picture and the texts were more of business based ones, so he guessed she worked with him in some kind of way. The other one was the chat with Laurent. Before he was able to read it, his brother opened the door. The sudden sound made Larry jump in surprise and drop his phone.
"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean for scare you Lar.", Laurent apologized.
"Why are you not in bed?"
"I had to get some air and my body seemed so lazy."
"That's okay for now bro. Just lay down and eat your sandwich."
The look of disgust and anger in Laurent's eyes scared Larry.
"What happened? You look angry..."
With small steps he walked over to his brother and placed a hand on his shoulder. Laurent looked straight into Larry's eyes, his emotions switching from angry to completely in love and passionate.
"Just a woman trying to flirt with me... again."
Larry's heart was racing in anger, in love and somewhat of happiness.
Lau was angry about this woman flirting with him what means he did not want that to happen right?
But still the woman tried to flirt with his brother, something Larry could understand but never approve.

I am so sorry for taking so long to update this chapter, there was just so many things to do, especially other stories, but I try to keep up with everything. :)

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