When I am alone
I think
And it does nothing for me
When I am by myself
I do something I don't want to do
Because there isn't anyone to share the things I want to do
When I am hungry
I sleep
For it helps the pain
When I do eat
I get sick
Nothing is good for me
When I am thirsty
I drink tap
Even though I don't know what's in the water
When I do drink
I drink
Enjoying my imaginary safe-net
When I am hung-over
I don't care
For it makes me feel human
When I ride the trains
I watch the land go by
Remembering when things were good
When I walk
I pray
Wishing that everything was okay
When I sing
I inspire
Dreaming of things that are good
When go home
I become afraid
What will we fight about tonight?
When I am home
I stay away
Hoping to hide from others
When I shower
I cry
Since the water hides my tears
When I weep
I am silent
Since no one will want to hear me
When I am tired
I become afraid
What if I don't wake up again?
When I am awake
I have nightmares
Wishing they would end
When I sleep
I have dreams
And I hope I don't wake up again
When I cut
I try to sleep
Wondering if this life is worth it
From Within the Heart
PoesieThere are no words that can really and truely describe a collection of poetry. This collection features works written solely from the heart, nothing pre-planned or carefully written out. Poetry is often used to express passions that the heart calls...