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Hey guys, so I posted this story on and since it is difficult to upload it onto that sight with the stupid wifi so I shall upload it here since this sight is much more easier to funcition and I'm on it almost 24/7. And if any of you readers are Marilyn Monroe fans, yes the title of my book is based off the song her and Jane Russel sing in the show made into movie "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes". I do not own the Avengers only the characters that are obviously created by yours truly, me! So further adieu, here is the story ya'll have been waiting for: When Love Goes Wrong. Love ya'll! Your author, Adeen (Jess)

Character background:

Name: Adeen Callum O'Sullivan

Born: September 26, Memphis, Tn.

Age: 1-2 years younger than Bruce; early 30s


Abilities: super human strength (as strong as the Hulk), omni-linguistic, super human senses, martial arts

Weapons: Bo (her favorite and most skillful weapon), guns, okinawan weapons, some knives.

Family: Parents: Jennifer and Leroy O'Sullivan Siblings: Jade O'Sullivan, Wade O'Sullivan, and surprise which I shall not reveal until the sequel.

Weaknesses: Her messed up past, gulibility

Fears: Fire, heights, darkness

Relationship status: COMPLICATED!!!

Past relationships: Hank Pym (highschool), Tony Stark (5 months), Clint Barton (2 years)


"Adeen, don't do this. Put the gun down." Clint calmly tried to persuade her.
Adeen pointed the gun straight at him with unstable hands. Anger and pain were written on her face. Tears streamed down her face as she looked Clint in the eyes. Her long brown hair was up in its usual high ponytail with her Avenger's suit on. Barton didn't make a move.

"You...all lied to me...Including you! You were only using me...using my weaknesses in your little games...How could you lie to me? How could you...use my emotions... knowing how much I cared about you..."

"I never lied to you...the agency has never lied to you. Can't you see? He's trying to get inside your head. Don't let him in, Adeen."

Adeen shook her head slowly with her eyes clenched shut, gun still pointed at Barton. The entire place was engulfed in flame. She looked around at the place, knowing she did all this. She then looked at Clint with tortured eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Clint..." she apologetically told him, putting the gun up to her right temple.

"No!" Clint yelled and started running towards Adeen.

When Love Goes WrongWhere stories live. Discover now