Preview for the big chapter

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~Author's Notes~ Psych! Got ya didn't I? Well, this is as close as ya'll gonna get for a update until more inspiration comes to me to finish the chapter. This is just a snippet of what I have so far! :D Hope you guys enjoy and tell me what ya think on the comments!!! :D

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

            Bruce smiled brightly down at Adeen, leaning down and kissing her passionately on the lips. Adeen smiled beamingly wrapping her arms around his neck returning the kiss. They both pulled away hearing whistling from both sides of them and glanced over at their friends rolling their eyes at them not being able to stop from smiling. Adeen laughed lightly linking arms with her husband unable to keep from smiling. He gazed down at her pecking her on the cheek. They were about to walk back down the isle when the back doors to the church were kicked open causing everyone to go silent and turn their heads to what had happened. Adeen’s eyes widened from whom she saw standing in front of her and clung onto Bruce’s arm tighter fearing she would collapse if she didn’t. 

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