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Andy pov»

I was sitting on my bed when my boyfriend came in my room. " hey fovvs you wanna hang out today" he ask as he set on my bed. " um I can't because I am going out with sonny today to shop for some groceries" I said not making eye contact with him, "oh ok well bye then" he said getting up looking sad.

Rye's pov»

Lately andy has been hanging with sonny a lot and I know I'm his boyfriend but I am getting a little jealous because why does he not want to hang with me anymore am I not good enough. " ugh " I huff as I walk down stairs to make a tea for myself. While I'm making my tea Andy comes down the stairs laughing loudly with sonny. "Ahaha sonny that was amazing " andy said , I just rolled my eyes. "But not as amazing as you " sonny said making me get madder and madder. "Hey rye we are about to leave so you want anything " andy said looking at me from the kitchen  door. " no thank you Andy" I said kinda harshly. " rye babe what's wring" andy asked as he walked up to me grabbing my hands,"nothing babe just go out with sonny" I said finishing my tea and walking out the door upstairs to my room.

Andy's pov»

"Do you know what's wrong with rye" I asked sonny as we pulled out the drive way. " no mate he just has been giving me weird looks kinda scary " sonny said looking at his phone. " I'll talk to him later about it I guess " I said kinda sad. After about an hour and a half later we got back from the shops. I went upstairs to ryes room but he wasn't there, then I went to my room and he was there laying on my bed sleep. " hey rye can we talk" I asked getting in bed and tapping him. " ugh andy what do you want" rye said sitting up and rubbing his eyes,it looks like he was crying because his eyes was red and he had stains on his face from crying. " were you crying rye" I asked touching his face. " uh yeah um andy?" rye said looking down like he was about to cry again. " yes rye" I said looking at him. " do you like sonny because you have been hanging with him a lot lately and I feel like you don't want to be with me anymore " rye said looking up now. " what no rye I love you and only you sonny is just my friend I would never date him I swear and I will start hanging with you more okay" I said feeling bad because I have been hanging out with sonny recently. he just nodded his head ."Right,how about we cuddle huh" I said getting in bed next to rye. " he smiled brightly and nodded his head and pulled me into his arms. " I love you so much andy" rye said kissing me then laying down." I love you to baby goodnight" I said laying on his chest while his fingers are in my hair. " goodnight babe" he said falling asleep

Hey guys I'm not the best at these so if they are bad I'm sorry bout that 😂

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