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Summary: Andy and rye are together in this big they got into an argument and rye goes a little to far.

Andy pov
I was watching YouTube on my phone laying on my bed when rye came in. He walked over to me and pulled my phone out my hand. "What the hell are u doing- i asked getting up trying to grab my phone, he held it up in the air not letting me reach it, "rye give it back you arse hole- I said getting mad, he looked shocked at my words and just kept looking at me, I was honestly getting really mad so I said something i know he doesn't like, "give me my phone you fucking idiot- i said and he looked down and his face turned from confident to sad real quick, "what did you just call me- rye said dropping my phone on the ground. I picked my phone up and sat back down and turned my phone back on. "Andy I'm talking to you - rye said walking over to me again. " I said give me my phone back you fucking idiot- i said screaming in his face. " you better lower you voice or your getting punished- he said screaming back. I gulped and looked down, my breath hitched as he grabbed my face and made me look at him " now why would you call me that- he said grabbing my face harder , "because you took my phone and I was getting angry- I said looking away. He just pushed me on the bed roughly and left, I was so confused Bc what did I do wrong he was messing with me so I yelled.

Rye pov

Did he just call me that , I thought to my self as I walked to my room and looked my door. I sat on my bed thinking of ways to get him back because he knows I don't like that word (idiot) it brings back memories from my last boyfriend that was rude to me and use to call me that. I shook my head and thought of ways to get him back because he knows I don't like that. As I'm sitting on my bed I thought comes to mind and I think it's a good one. "Sonny - I yelled as I walked to his room, he opened the door shirtless , " yea mate- he said looking at me. " I need your help"

Andy's pov

It's been a few days since me and ryes little fight whatever you call it and I was kinda mad because he has been ignoring me and I don't know why. I got up from my bed and walked down stairs to find him and he was cuddling sonny and sonny kissed his cheek. Jealousy and anger ran through my body. " wtf is going on - I yelled and they both looked at me shocked, " I'm just cuddling my new friend- rye said with a little smirk, " are you serious why didn't you just ask me- I said yelling, he got up and pushed me against the wall " you know why I didn't ask u because u called me that name that you know I hate but your dumb ass still said it so now leave me alone and let me cuddle my new boyfriend- rye said yelling in my face, I started crying and ran up stairs to my room and locked the door I don't want to talk to nobody I swear everything is so stupid, I said to myself as I layed face first on my bed balling my eyes out.

Rye pov

I really didn't mean to say that omg I just ruined everything. I turned to sonny and he was as shocked as me and then got up and said I need to talk to him before I actually lose my boyfriend I agreed and went up stairs as fast as I can and went to Andy's door. " hey andy I'm so sorry I was just trying to get you back for calling that name that you know I hate and me and sonny are not dating he has a girlfriend and you know that, I love u andy please open up I didn't mean anything i said- I said to him in a begging voice. Soon I heard the door unlock and when it open my view was so sad it was my boyfriend who looked like he has been crying for years. I opened my arms and walked towards him and hugged him so tightly with a lot of love. "Rye I cant breath- he said but sounded a little muffled bc his face was on my chest. I let go a kissed him with so much passion and he kissed back but soon broke apart and looked me up and down biting his lip," oh no andy we just had a little fight I don't want make up sex I want to cuddle- I said looking him in the eyes, he frowned but then nodded and we layed down in bed and cuddled and soon we fell asleep.

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