
464 11 1

This was requested by karola_fvs
Hope you guys enjoy
Relationship status:strangers
Jacks pov
Today I was feeling so bored and lonely and I actually have nothing to do. I got up at around like 9:00 AM and I had breakfast and now I'm just sitting here alone in my boring flat. I have friends of course but they are all with their boyfriends so I'm just alone. I decided to call andy to see what he was doing.
(On the phone)
J- hey fovvs how are you
A- hey Jacky I'm doing well how bout you.
J- good just bored and lonely (sad face)
A- aww babes it's ok you will find someone trust me, your not even bad looking I'm sure someone will think your cute.
J-aww thanks fovvs, not bad looking yourself (winks)
R- oh no you don't, jack back off my man before we have a problem. (Jealousy rye😂)
J- ok ok I'm just playing need to get all jealous, and plus no offense andy but your not my type.
A- none taken.
J- welp I guess I will leave you and your overprotective boyfriend alone and maybe go to the coffee shop that just opened up the street.
A- ok well see you soon.
(End of call)
I sighed and walked upstairs to my room to get dressed so I can leave.
30 mins later)
I was walking into the coffee shop and I headed to the front desk but nobody  was there
(Sigh and was about to walk away but someone stops him)
?- sorry about that I'm the only one here because all of my friends are ok break, what can I get for you.
J- oh umm can I get a green tea with 2 sugars please.
?- yea one tea, umm your total is $3.12 please.
J-oh ok umm (gives him the money)
?-oh my name is brook by the way
J-hi brook my names jack
B- well Um here you go and have a nice day (hands him the tea)
J-(nods and takes the tea)
Jacks pov>
I walked to the table across the café, to my surprise the store was quite empty and quiet. But the boy at the register was so fine and cute. I could have took him then and there but I held my self back and walked away, I was thinking I should get his number but I don't know if he is taken. I just sipped on my tea and glance at him every now and then.
Brook POV>
Omg , omg OMG that jack boy was so cuute, but wait what if he is not gay and he has a girlfriend, oh no. I think I should just text my best friend and ask him for advice.
B- rye I have a question so like their is this boy that I think is really cute and he is at the café right now and I want to talk to him but I dont know is he is gay or not.
R-hey bro just relax and go talk to him and be your self , how do you think I got with andy.
(Ik Ik what a coincidence)
B-ok I will try thanks bro.
(End of text)
I took in a deep breath and walked over to the table where he was sitting. He looked up at me and waved.
B-umm is this seat token.
J-actually it's not
B- mind if I join.
J-of course not.
(That kinda rhymes😂)

No ones pov>
The two boys sat there and talked for hours until it was time to close the shop and head home. Both boys learned things about the other and they started to actulike the person.
Brooks pov>
B- umm can I get your number so we can talk sometime
J- I yea sure (gives brook his number)
B- well I will talk to you later I guess.
J-yea good bye
(3 years later)
Jacks pov>
J- babe can you come downstairs for a moment.
B-yea hold on.
I'm going to do it, I have to, I'm so nervous. I have decided I'm going to propose to him because every since the day we met at the café I just never stop loving him and I could not wait to do this I already have it planned and how I'm going to do it.
B-babe hello you there
J-oh yeah sorry just thinking bout something.
B-ok what did you need.
J- ok so I have a surprise for you and I need you to get dressed and be ready at 7 ok.
B-ok but is it like casual or fancy or-
J- babe just wear what you would regularly wear during the day nothing fancy.
Brook turned around and started walking away but earned a slap on the butt.
B-ow what was that for (pouty face)
J- because I didn't get no kiss (sassy)
B- (kiss jack and ran upstairs to get dressed as it was already 5)
J-babe I will be back to pick you up I have to run somewhere to get something's so be ready.
B- ok bye love you
J-love ya to babe.
(Heads out the house)
A- ok jack calm down he will say yes 100%.
J- ok but like what if he says I'm moving to fast or something.
R- just think positive he won't say no ok believe us.
A - (nods holding his fiancé's hand)
J- ok well is everything set up
R&A- nods
J- ok well I guess it's time, oh and thank you guys for this so much.
(Jack hugs them both and Romeo and he leaves the Beaumont's house less nervous then he was before.
(Skip to the proposal because I'm bored)
Jack pov>
(Internal thoughts)
I think it's time to do it
(Regular thought)
J-he brook do you mind sitting there on the bench for a second.
(Brook sits down)
(Jack gets on one kne)
J- ok so brook as you know we have been together for 3 years now and I have been thinking bout doing this since the day I met you at the café, brook you make me smile everyday and one day I hope to grow old with you and have a child with you, you make me the happiest man I the world and I'm glad to have you in my life so now to make me even more happy will you marry me brook. (Takes out a diamond ring)
B- OMG YES yess yes
(Jumps on jack and kisses him passionately)
Jack puts the ring on his finger and they live happily ever after.

It's not over yet
(2 years later)
B- babeee can you go get him please this is the second Time it's happened in 30 mins.
J- ok babe I will get him just relax ok
Jack walks to the room across from them and picks up his son Jacklyn Wyatt duff and brings him to his room where his fiancé is sound asleep in bed.
J- hey hey it's ok baby daddy is right here (baby voice)
Jacklyn starts to calm down and doze back off.

Jack smiled down at his baby and his fiancé and thinks how he every got so lucky ,to be living this life with the man of his dream and an adorable baby. How it all started from just a lonely boy at the café
The end
Hope you liked this I actually took my time to do this and I think it turned out ok and I will be doing the other request tomorrow.

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