New years

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Andy pov

So today is New Years and me and my boyfriends , yes I said boyfriends we are in a 5 way relationship it's me, brook,rye,sonny,jack. But anyways I was saying me and my boyfriends are having a New Years party to celebrate our accomplishments from this year. Right now I'm getting dressed and about to head down stairs to make breakfast bc I think everyone is sleep. I head down stairs to the kitchen and I see sonny making himself a tea. "Hey babe" I said he turned around "oh hey handsome" he said and I blushed. " oh is someone blushing 😏" he said with a smirk as he finished up his tea and came up to me and gave me a kiss. " hey I'm going to make some breakfast and then we can start getting ready for the party" I said as I started taking things out of the cabinets to start cooking. He nodded and sat down to drink his tea.
15 mins later
I was finishing up with the eggs when I felt to strong arms wrap around me. I flinched a little bit turned around when I seen it was just a very sleepy rye.
" are you done yet" he asked with a baby voice. "Yes actually I am" I said back , he nodded but continued to hug me from behind not that I was complaining. Soon I was finished and I went to wake my other boyfriends up. "Hey jack and brook if you don't come down here right now no kisses and cuddles from me" I screamed up the stair case. Soon I heard footsteps running down the stair . Brook was on jacks back and they hurried down the steps towards the kitchen I just laughed at them. " hey I want a cuddle" brook said getting off of jacks back and coming towards me. "You will later baby after the party ok" I said kissing him and then leading him to the table with everyone else. We all ate our food and we all freshened up.
Me and rye and sonny decided to go to the shops to get things for the party and brook and jack decided to clean up the house because we will have guest over.
"Hey Babe can we get this pleaseeee" rye said with a pouty face. "Yea sure whatever u want babe" I said kissing his cheek and grabbing other things putting them in the cart. "Hey sonny can you go find a New Years cake please" I said he nodded and headed the other direction. After and hour of shopping we found all the things we needed even when rye was acting like a baby half of the time when he really isn't. We arrived home and when we walked in I was so shocked. The house was SPOTLESS. "Omg jack and brook get down here now" I yelled they came running down the stairs looking sexy with their outfits on. "Did y'all actually clean the house" I asked and rye and sonny but the things we brought away. "Yea babe" brook said "omg I love you two" I said and jumped on them both and started kissing all over their faces. If you know me you know I like to keep the house clean and I'm always the one cleaning it so it was fantastic to have somebody else do it for once.
3hours later
Sonny pov
We just finished decorating the house and now we are all chilling on the couch drinking tea and watching elf. "Hey babe when will the guest arrive" I asked andy who was cuddled up with brook and jack. "Umm around like 8 ish" he said "oh ok ima go to the shops to get something real quick" I said and grabbed my shoes and wallet and headed out the house. What the boys don't know is that I'm going to propose to them at 12 o'clock so right now I'm headed to a jewelry place to get 5 rings. Me and the boys have been together for over 4 years now and i know that all the boys want to get married but nobody has decided to do it so I wanted to be the one who did. When I arrived their I found the man that I talked to awhile back and he already had the rings for me ready I just needed to purchase them. Once I purchased them I put them in the back and put the bag in the back seat of my car so the boys won't find it and headed back to the house.

 Once I purchased them I put them in the back and put the bag in the back seat of my car so the boys won't find it and headed back to the house

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(That's what all the rings look like)
When I arrived home I walked into the living room to see the most adorable sight ever . All my boyfriends where asleep on the couch cuddled up. I waked over to the end of the couch near rye and sat next to him and he moved and looked at me then cuddled up to me and went back to sleep. I smiled at that and when to sleep as well.
2 hours later
Andy pov
"Hey babe wake up we have to get ready the guest will be here" I aid shaking all of my boyfriends. "What time is it" rye asked " um it is 7:30" I said and started to stand up. SMACK "ow what was that for" I asked as I turned around and rubbed my bum. "Sorry babe you just have a great bum" jack said pulling me into a hug. I just blushed and got back up. I walked towards the bathroom and used it.
Rye pov
So andy just went to the bathroom and now me and the other boys are just sitting on the couch talking. Soon we heard the door bell ring. "I got it" andy said as he walked out the bathroom. (Ik this I llowkey starting to get boring so ima speed this up)
2 hours into the party {andy pov}
Everyone was here and we are now all waiting for the ball to drop.
"Hey guys I have to go to the car I think I left something in their" sonny said as he walked out the room.
Sonny walked in with a bag
2 sonny got on his knees in front of the boys as we were sitting on the couch
We all screamed happy new year while sonny said "will you guys marry me".
We all started crying
Rye was the first to get up and hug sonny then me then brook and jack. We said yes and the ring looks beautiful. After the party me and the boys where just sitting on the couch cuddling. "Hey sonny I love you so much a can't believe you did this" I said with tears in my eyes. "Aww baby I love all of you to and I hope we can have a great future" sonny said as he kissed everyone and we all said love you back and then we fell asleep.

Happy New Years everyone hope you have had a great year and I'm sorry if their is any words in this that is messed up I was kinda rushing to get it finished but yea happy New Years ❤️

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