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Andy's pov

I'm currently on my bed feeling down because my boyfriend is not here and I really want to cuddle like I don't know why just lately I've been really cuddly and today my boyfriend is at work . I literally have nothing to do I would go for a walk but I don't like walking by my self and I would even go to the shops but I haven't been paid yet so I don't have a lot of money at the moment. I just sat there bored out of my mind when I thought popped up in my head. (Maybe I should call my best friend brook) I grabbed my phone going to brooks contact (brooky💕) I knew he wasn't doing anything because he posted on his story recently that he was bored just like me because for the same reason we wanted cuddles. Both of our boyfriend work together and they both were at work. They work at a car shop.

B= brook

A- brook can you come over please I'm bored and I want a cuddle
B- sure why not I'm bored anyways😂
A- alright I'll see you soon mate
B- see ya

And then I put my phone up and went downstairs to make sum popcorn because i know we are going to end up watching a movie until it's time for them to get home. Soon I heard the doorbell. I ran and opened the door for brook. " hey mate" brook said walking in, I said hey back and we walked up stairs to my room. When we arrived at my room I already had the popcorn and drinks ready. Oh mate I guess you already planned a movie- brook said getting on the bed and taking his shoes off, I just laugh and nodded and got in bed. We decided to watch river dale because why not .half way through the show I looked at brook and he was slowly falling asleep, I told him it was ok to go to sleep and he nodded and soon went to sleep. I was starting to get tired myself I looked at the time and it was 9:00 pm so that means that our boyfriends should be getting off of work soon. Me and brook do have a job but today we were off and we both work at Starbucks . I slowly started to drift off to sleep and soon I was asleep like brook.

Rye's pov

Me and jack just got off of work and jack wanted to come to my house for a little for a drink because we have been working all day and I miss my baby and so does jack. On my way to the house I decided to call andy and see if he is up and he didn't answer so I told jack to call brook and brook didn't answer either. We were a little worried but we didn't think much of it . We soon arrived to mines and Andy's house and got out the car, we walked up the stairs and I unlocked the door, when we entered I smelled popcorn and I thought of andy. Jack sat down in the kitchen and I ran upstairs to see if Andy was in our room. I opened the door and awed and my sight , it was brook and Andy asleep on the bed ,brook was the big spoon and Andy was the little spoon. I sat there looking at them when jealousy ran threw my body, I'm supposed to be cuddling andy not brook. I texted jack and told him to come upstairs I soon heard his footsteps behind me and he came up behind me looking confused until he seen what I seen and he forrowed his eyes, I think he got jealous to so he made the move first.

Brooks pov

I was awoken by something touching my face or should I say someone, it was jack he was kissing my face I soon kissed back but he broke away and told me to get out of bed I looked at him confused until I seen I had my arm wrapped around andy and I seen rye standing in the door way looking kinda mad I soon moved and got up and jumped on jack because I missed him even though it hasn't even been 24 hours since the last time I see him. " babe when did you get here" I asked and as I got down from his grip " we just got here and u were cuddling andy so I had to wake u up before someone gets a little to jealous like me- jack said looking at rye then at me again I blushed, " I'm sorry daddy I was just bored and wanted a cuddle " I said looking down he grabbed my chin and lifted my chin up and kissed me it was a long passionate kiss until rye interrupted us and we pulled away to rye making gagging noises, "hey don't do that because ur man ain't giving you no lovin' - I said looking at rye he just stuck his tongue and went over to andy and started to wake him up. " babe do you want to get out of here you know to finish what we started earlier- jack said looking at me ,I blushed and nodded we soon headed out and we all know what happened when we got home 😉😏

Andy's pov

I was awoken bye familiar lips on my face. " hey baby how was your sleep" he asked looking me in the eyes " it was okay why? and where is brook?- I asked looking around the room, " me and jack was getting home from work And we came here for a drink and I came upstairs to you and brook cuddling and let me tell you I was a little angry because I was supposed to cuddle you" rye said with a pouting face, I just smiled and kissed him " babe I called brook bc I wanted to cuddle and you weren't here and you know if you were here I would definitely cuddle you now get your handsome self in this bed and cuddle me or I will not talk to you for a week-I said acting serious he just laughed and hopped in bed with me he kissed me.
Goodnight baby"
Goodnight daddy" I said a smiled I little. We went to sleep after.

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