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The boys are not in the band and randy and Jacklyn all live together in a big house together.
Andy's pov

Today I was feeling a bit happy and sneaky. I wanted to do something because I was very bored. I walked to the living room to see brook and jack cuddled up on the couch and my handsome boyfriend cooking breakfast. I walked up behind him and kissed his neck while I watched him make eggs.
" hey baby good morning" rye said giving me a kiss before he focused back on the eggs
" I'm actually doing good today how about you" I said back
" I'm doing great, oh and me and jack are going out today to the shops because we need more food so you and brook are going to stay here" rye said as he finished with the eggs. I just nodded and sat down next to jacklyn on the couch.
As I waited for rye to finish with the food I went to our room and got ready for the day , but I wore something comfy because I'm not leaving the house today. As I finished I went down stair and everyone was sitting at the table eating , my plate was next to rye who was already eating his food. I walked over to them and sat down,
" so I'm pretty sure rye already told you but we are leaving and going to the store, and brook no touching yourself while I'm gone okay." Jack said to brook as he was starting to finish eating. Brook nodded with a little pout as he started eating again. I looked at rye and he was looking at me with a stern look. I just looked at him with a confused look until he said "that goes for you to fovvs no touching or a punishment ok" rye said and I just nodded and looked down.
(20 mins later)
Okay guys we are leaving now and remember what we said ok" rye said looking  at me and brook who were sitting on the couch. We nodded and then continued to watch tv. After they left I looked over at brook and he was playing with his hands.
" hey brook I have an idea and I want you to be apart of it. I said now looking him in the eyes
"I'm what is it andy" brook said with a hint of nervous in his voice
" okay so I was thinking we can prank our boyfriends when they get home and ignore them until they get really mad,and we can only talk to each other" I said with a very big smile on my face.
"Umm andy I don't know if I can do that I'm very bad at ignoring people" brook said with a sad tone.
"Hey brook just act like he isn't there or better act like your mad at him." I said because I know when he is mad he doesn't talk to anyone.
" okay I will try but I think jack will punish me" brook said looking down again.
" hey if he does I will tell him it was all my idea ok"he just nodded and started to watch the screen. I smiled at him and then went to get a drink of water and sat back down in my original spot on the couch and grabbed my phone and went on Instagram.
(1 hour later)
Me and brook were laying down on the couch half sleep until we hear the care door open outside of the house. Me and brook popped up into sitting positions.
" ok brook remember what we planned just act like you are mad at him and ignore him and when you know you can't keep it up just tell me and then you can tell him it is a prank okay" I said as I started to get ready for this prank. He just nodded and started biting his nails because he was nervous and then got on his phone. The door soon open revealing our boyfriends with groceries in there hands. They looked mad and I was starting to regret doing the prank.
They put the groceries away, nobody talking just quiet. Until jack and rye came over to us a started to cuddle us.
Hey baby what have you been up to" rye ask trying to kiss me but I moved away.
"Hey fovvs what is the matter" rye said grabbing my face so I can look at him. I didn't talk I just continued to look at him and I can tell that he was getting mad. I looked over at brook who was looking at me with the same expression as me. "Hey brook why aren't you talking to me babe"jack said starting to get mad.
Hey brook you wanna play the game with me" I ask brook and he quickly nodded and got out of jacks hold and I did the same to rye. We headed to the game room and I quickly locked the door when we got inside of the room.
"Whew I didn't think I can do that" brook said as he sat down but soon jumped when he hear jack bang on the door.then he started biting his nails again. "Hey fovvs I don't think I can do this for long because jack is getting quite mad" brook said looking me in the eyes.
"I know brook if you want to you can stop and I will continue by myself" I said sitting next to brook ignoring our boyfriends bangs. Soon the door flew open and me and brook hurried and turned our heads towards it.
"Brook c'mere now" jack said with his face red as ever. Brook looked at me then I nodded because I know he can't continue it but I was soon shocked at what he did next ,he shook his bead no and cuddled up to me.
"ANDREW GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW" rye stormed into the room making me flinch in brooks hold. I looked at brook and whispered in his ear "I know you don't want to do this but can I kiss you on the cheek, but only if you want to" I pulled back from him and he just nodded and smiled. I shook my head no to rye and then I kissed brook on the cheek.
I turned over to rye and jack and the look they was given showed that they were mad as hell. Jack came up to brook and grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the door. And then came rye who did the same. I looked as brook gave me a look and I knew what he meant I nodded and he nodded back and then started walking with jack towards there room. But I was soon focused back on rye when he slammed the door shut next to me I didn't even notice we were in our room now. I looked at him and he was so mad. " fovvs why are you ignoring me" I just looked at him and then looked down.soon I heard a loud scream from brook and jacks room. I ran towards their room and opened the door to see brook bending over jacks leg with tears in his eyes
" hey jack please don't do that to him it was all my idea I wanted to ignore you guys and I wanted him to help me do it, it was just a prank please don't hurt him" I said as I started to cry a little because I felt bad for getting brook in this. Jack just nodded and pulled brooks pants up and told brook to lay down and kissed his head before looking at me " stay here fovvs I need to have a talk with rye" jack said as he walked out the room while he pulled rye with him. I went over to brook who was shivering "hey it's okay brook I told him and your not in trouble anymore okay." I said hugging him. He nodded and then soon fell a sleep. I waited for about Like 5 mins until jack came back wiith rye who seemed calm but had a very small smirk on his face.
"Cmere fovvs" rye said holding his hand out. I got up from the bed and walked passed jack towards our room  While holding rye's hand and as soon as we walked into our room I heard the door lock and I felt rye behind me. He grabbed my arm and made me sit down on the bed.
" so fovvs you want to prank people now huh" he said as he unbuttoned his pants. I didn't say nothing because I didn't know what to say.
"Answer me baby or else your punishment is going to be worst then what it is" rye said squatting down in front of me.  " I was just trying to p-prank you because I was bored and I wa-wanted to see your reaction" I said while looking down. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him.
"Oh baby now look where that got you" rye said with a straight face.
"Now baby boy for your punishment I want you to get on your back on the bed and spread your legs and arms" rye said I did ask told and took my clothes off to . Rye turned around and got four pairs of handcuffs. My breath became faster as I seen them. He cuffed my hands and legs on our bed.
"Now baby the rules are no cumming and no begging okay" rye said and I just nodded "words baby" he said  "ok daddy" I said.
Then rye took all his clothes off and got between my legs and started stroking my member. "Oh my god" I said as I started to feel good. He started going faster and faster. " rye please let me cum" he smacked my thigh and I whimpered " uh uh first of all baby I said no begging and second I said no cumming or else I'm going to punish you more." Rye said then he leaned down a took me all the way in his mouth, my eyes rolled back as he started bobbing his head faster and faster. I was so close and I think he knew because he pulled off and un cuffed my arms and legs
" get on your hands and knees" he ordered and I did as I was told. Then out of no where he slammed strait into me without warning. " omg daddy yes uh" I said as he started to go really hard. I was so close and I needed to cum, I started to shake from the hard pounds into me and the pain that was in my stomach from holding it in. " daddy it hurts so Baad" I said started to get overwhelmed with the feeling. Soon rye stopped and I felt as he came inside of me while I was still shaking. "Okay baby boy lay on your back now. I did as I was told and layed there. Rye got up and went towards his dresser and grabbed a vibrater. I looked at him as he walk back towards me with it in his hands. " now you can come okay"
"Yes daddy" he turned the vibrater up to high and put in on my member . " ooh my g-awd" I said and my eyes rolled back and soon I knew I was at my climax because my hips started to stutter and then I came all over my torso and the vibrater. " good boy" rye praised as he went to get something to clean me up. I started to doze off when he finished and he finally layed down next to me and we soon went to sleep cuddled up In each other's arms.

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