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"Are you serious" I said as I walked in on the most heartbreaking thing in the world. My best friend kissing my boyfriend max. I stormed out of the house ignoring my best friend well ex best friend yells. I got in my car and stormed off crying the whole way back home. How could my best friend for 3 years hook up with my boyfriend that I been with for 1 year like that. When I arrived home I went straight to my room and locked the door and just cried. Cried. Cried.
Then I heard a knock at my door
"Go the fuck away I don't want to talk right now" I yelled into my pillow hoping the person will leave
"No andy open the door now and let me in" it was rye, i finally got up after about a couple of mins and let him in and laid back down on my bed.
"Andy what happened tell me pls" rye asked rubbing my back. I huffed and started telling him what happened.
Alexa was kissing my boyfriend and she knew it was our one year anniversary" I said while crying more. "Hey bud it's okay" rye said still rubbing my back. I started to calm down and decided I wanted to cuddle " hey rye can we pls cuddle to forget about it" I said with puppy eye. He nodded and laid down next to me and took me in his arms with my head on his chest and his arm around me. " thx rye I really appreciate this love you" I said and started dozing off after I heard him say a little love ya to.



I woke up from the sun shining in my face. I looked around a noticed I wasn't in my room but in Andy's room then memory's from yesterday came back into my mind and I looked down at andy who was peacefully sleep in my arms, I smiled at the sight of him , if only he knew. I started to play with his hair and he started to stir
"Good morning rye pie" andy said with his morning voice "good morning andy" I said back with a smile. He smiled back and then started to get up "hey where are you going" I said grabbing his arm and trying to pull him back down "rye I have to peeeeee" andy whined, " ah fine but come back cutie" I said and then covered my mouth as that wasn't suppose to come out. He just blushed and ran to the bathroom. "Great rye now you screwed it up" I said to myself while grabbing my phone off the table. It is (9:45 am) that is really early for me so I just laid back down and waited for Andy to come back out the bathroom. I was on my way back to sleep when the bathroom door opened and Andy walked out only wearing boxers " sorry I really wanted to get in the shower" he said getting back in bed. I nodded and wrapped my arm's around him as he laid back down.

Ok I really didn't just want to take a shower but I kinda had a boner so I took at cold shower. And I know what your thinking didn't you just get out of a relationship, well yes but I still had a secret crush on rye and I maybe had told my ex best friend that so I think that's why she was kissing him but who knows. "Hey andy can I tell you sum" rye asked looking nervous as he looked down from his phone. " yea sure rye" I said as I sat up in his arms and looked at him. "Ok so um- I know you just got out of a relationship and you probably won't feel the same but andy I really like you and I have since I first met you ,the way your smile lights up the room ,how your positivity helps everyone and how you put people before you and I just want to be with you and I want you in my life andy" rye said looking me dead in the eyes now. "Rye I - I don't know what to say I feel the same I loved you since the beginning to but I kept telling my self that you don't like me and I wasn't good for you so that's why I kept dating people I'm so sorry rye I just- . I was cut off my rye kissing me. I melted into the kiss and our lips moved in sync, we pulled apart due to oxygen and smiled at each other. " andy will you be my boyfriend" rye asked . I nodded and kissed him and we continued to give each other little kisses for the rest of the day and I knew that this will be marked as the best day of my life.

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