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This is the rest of the randy one from before but in Jacklyn's pov

Jacks pov

Brook has been a little stubborn lately and I don't know why. Right now me and the boys are in the van going to the hotel. Brook fell asleep in my lap because he was misbehaving earlier. 30 mins later we arrive at the hotel and everyone grabbed their bags and we all headed inside . I got the key card for me and brooks room. We walked up stairs and said bye to all the boys because randy are sharing a room and me and brook, and sonny a Darren. When we got inside the room brook quickly went over to our shared bed. I just put my bags down and went to the bathroom planning on brooks punishment. If you didn't know me and brook are in a relationship where I'm the dom and he is the sub and if he acts up or doesn't follow rules he gets a punishment and because he was being stubborn today and not listening to me I might just let it slide or I might give him a spank because he didn't listen.
I got out the bathroom and seen brook laying on his stomach half sleep. " cmon brooky baby you have to get your punishment" I said walking up to him and he just pouted and turned his head the other way "aye brook do I have to count or do you want me to double the punishment" I said raising my voice a little. He looked at me for a while and then stripped to his boxers "thata boy cmere now" I said raising my hand a to grab him. I bent him over my lap and gave him 10 spanks because I don't feel like punishing him a lot I'm to tired. Bout time I was done he was whimpering and sniffling. I picked him up and sat him on my leg and rubbed his back. "Jack can we go to sleep please I'm tired" he said looking at his fingers . I just nodded and laid him down with me on the bed and we exchanged our goodnights and kissed and soon we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Ok so I don't know if this is good but i tried
Might do some more because it's the weekend don't know yet

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