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Brooks pov

Today I was feeling very ill and I didn't feel like doing nothing but sit in my bed and watch river dale. It was currently 7 pm and I was laying in my bed when Harper came in with a tea and some pills. Wait what how did you know I was sick- I asked him, he just chuckled and handed them to me I took them and sat up looking at him for an answer, " well this morning when I woke up I went to kiss u but ur forehead was hot so I went to get tea and pills for you from the shops before you woke up - he said laying down next to me . "Oh wow ok- I said kinda shocked. We layed down and I was about to cuddle up to him when my stomach started to turn and he wrapped his arms around me at the wrong time," babe can you get off of me I'm about to throw u- I was cut off by my grow up and it landed on my bed and on me I'm surprised it didn't get on him he got up in time. " omg brook go to the bathroom hurry up before you throw up more. I got up and ran to the bathroom and as I went to the bathroom I made it in time because it came up again. Harper ran in the bathroom and started rubbing my back saying soothing words , soon I finished and he ran the bath for me and went to take the sheets off the bed and change them when he came back he had clothes for me and my wash rag and he told me to get in the tub and I got in. " thank you babe so much for doing this- I said looking at him while he washed me up "it's ok baby I'll do anything for you - he said finishing up . When he was done I got up and got dressed and walked back to the bedroom. I got in bed and kissed him and went to sleep cuddled up to him because my stomach was hurting after all of that I said goodnight and went to sleep.

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