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In this rye and Andy are parents to Romeo and andy is 29 and rye is 28
Andy pov>
Andy- come on baby wake up
Romeo-(groans) I don't want to
Andy- I know baby but you have school and I don't want you to miss it
Romeo gets up and go to the bathroom to get dressed while andy goes to make breakfast.
(20 mins later) A-Andy R-Romeo
R- ok papa I'm done
A-ok here is your breakfast sweetie
R-papa when is daddy coming home he has been in the army for so long
A- I know baby he will be home soon I promise now hurry so we can get you to school
Andy pov

Rye has been in the army for 6 months now and I really miss him. And I know Rome is sad because he misses him but we can't do anything but wait, I have tried calling him but where he is at there is no service (he's in another country) and that really has been worrying me because he use to call and tell me how his day went and talk to Romeo but once it all stop I started to think bad thoughts. But Romeo would always think positive and that is the reason I'm still sane because if it wasn't for him I think I would be going crazy.
(It's time to go get Romeo from school)
R- hey papa (sad face)
A-hey wants wrong sweetie
R- I miss dad and I know that I always think positive about situations but I'm starting to think bad and I hope dad isn't hurt or anything(crying)
A- aww baby remember when you told me to think positive and I'm pretty sure your dad is fine you know he is very strong and brave
R-yes I know
A- ok baby how about we go get ice cream to cheer you up yeah
Little did Andy and Romeo know that rye was just arriving at the house to surprise them
Rye pov
R- hello
No response
R- andy, Romeo
No response
R-anyone home
No response
Rye thought for a minute where they could be then he looked at the time and saw it was 3:50
R- maybe andy went to get Rome from school (he thought)
Rye waited half an hour till he heard the front door open and he ran into the kitchen to hide, he thought he should still surprise them.
A-hey Rome I'm going to start dinner and you can go up stairs and change from your school clothes and maybe we can watch a movie after sounds right?
R-yes papa
Andy started walking into the kitchen and when he turned around he got the shock of his life
A- aaaAaaAAhh omg ryeeeeee
Ry- hey baby
Andy ran into rye's arms and started crying tears of joy
R- papa what's wron- omg daddd
Romeo ran into rye's arm with Andy next to him still holding on.
Ry- I missed you guys so much, sorry I couldn't call back but we were over seas and connection was ass.
A-hey ( hits rye) don't say that I front of our son. Andy scolded
Ry-sorry babe but it's the truth
A-well I'm about to start dinner so change into something nice while I cook.
R and ry- yea sir 😂
Once the family settled down after eating dinner they decided to watch a movie and all cuddle up on the couch with fluffy blankets and kisses shared all around mostly from rye because that's how much he missed his small little family. The end
By the was Romeo is 10 in this

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