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Brooks pov

Today was a bad day for me. I have been feeling like this for a week now and I keep throwing up, I don't know what is wrong with me. It is currently 10 am and me and the boys are going out for something to eat. I was walking out the house when my beautiful boyfriend came up to me and grabbed my hand, I smiled and pecked his lips and continued to walk out the house towards the car.
20 mins later we arrive at a restaurant called ihop, it's a new place that we heard of and decided to try it out. When we walked I. I could smell the food that was being cooked it smelled so good.
" hi can we get a table for 5 pls"rye said while holding Andy's hand.
Yes follow me please- the waiter said. We followed her to a table all the way in the back by a window. I sat next to jack and on the other side of jack is sonny and on the other side of the table is randy.
"Guys what are you going to order- sonny asked everyone
" um probably pancakes and eggs"rye and Andy said at the same time, they both blushed and looked down.
" sausage and egg sandwich-jack said
How about you babe- jack asked me
" umm I don't know probably just pancakes I'm not that hungry-I said looking down. Jack nodded and then asked sonny what he was having. I sat there and pulled my phone out trying to focus on something different other then my stomach hurting a lot. I must have zoned out because when I looked up the waiter was asking me what I wanted to eat.
Can I get pancakes please- i said putting on a fake smile and I think jack notice because he gave me a weird look. I hate how he knows me so good when I'm lieing or something.
20 mins later the food came
I started to eat my pancakes and as soon as I ate like four pieces my stomach started to turn. I hurried and ran to the bathroom and threw up everything that I ate.
Soon I heard the door open and I tried to hit try and clean up everything before I be seen. But I was to slow and jack came into the stall that I was in and pulled me into a hug.
" hey babe you ok. Do you need medicine. Do you want to go to the doctors. What's wrong baby- jack said very worriedly and was rubbing my back.  I'm So thankful to have him as a boyfriend he is so caring.
Yes babe I'm ok I just don't feel well- I said flushing the toilet and getting up and out of jacks embrace.
Okay baby let's get you cleaned up and I will tell the boys to get your food packed up and bring it home while we go to the house and get you some medicine ok- jack said helping me clean up. I just nodded and smiled at how caring he can be. Soon we finished and walked out the bathroom to the table with the boys
Jack explained to the boys what happened and told them to get my food, they nodded and said for me to get better, I nodded and me and jack left.
Babe what about your food you don't want it- I asked getting worried because he didn't eat
Babe I'm ok I ate enough when you went to the bathroom-he said while hugging me.i nodded and said ok. We arrived back at the house and I went straight to my bed and layed down soon jack came into my room with some Advil and water, I took it and thanked him and soon went to sleep but before I did I kissed his lips and said thank you for taking care of me" " that's okay baby I chose to take care of my baby. He said and kissed me again before I went to sleep.

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