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Jacks POV

Ever since that fight me and Brooklyn has he has been very distant and he even has been ignoring me. See what had happened was me and brook have been dating for 3 years now and I wanted to propose to him but I didn't want to tell him so he thought I was cheating and this is how it went.


Me and brook was watching a movie and my phone ringed " hey brook I have to take this I will be back" I told brook as I got up. I went into the kitchen so he wouldn't hear me, "hello" I said as I answered the call, " hey so I have your ring but it will take a couple of hours to be fully finished is that okay" the woman said on the other line. " oh yeah that is great thank you so much" then I hung up the phone and went to walk out but brook was in the door way. " who was that- he asked and I turned to walk out " it was just my mom okay nobody else come on let's go to bed" I lied to him because I don't want to tell him yet. When we got back to the room I layed down on the bed and brook cuddled up to me and we went to sleep well that's what I thought. It was about 4 in the morning and I woke up to brook sniffling, " hey hey brook what's wrong are you ok babe pls tell me" I said concerned for my boyfriend. " who is Savannah" he said looking at my phone " oh god brook that is my friend she just helping me with something I promise " I said trying to grab my phone but he pulled away, " are you cheating on me, why can't you tell your own boyfriend
what the hell is going on" he said crying harder " brook I promise I will tell you just not right now ok just give me my phone back" I said reaching for my phone. " fine" he said and threw my phone at me and got up and left, " omg why can't he just wait " I huffed and went to look for him but he was cuddling with sonny, so I just let him because I know he doesn't want to talk but he will when I propose to him in two more days. Then I went back to bed.

End of flashback

So I'm currently in my room right now trying to plan my proposal but I don't know how it's going to work if brook is not talking to me at all. So I decided to get all the boys in on it and tell them my plan. So after I told all the boys except for brook I went down to the park and started to set up leaving all the boys to start doing their parts.

Andy's pov

After jack left I had to tell brook to get ready because we are going to the park and he agreed which was a success for me. So he got dressed and so did the other boys and we soon left for the park.

Jacks pov

So I'm done and I hope that brook has agreed to go to the park with the boys, I have the ring right here in my back pocket in a red velvet box.

(Act like that is the ring in the box because I can't find a smaller pic 😂)

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(Act like that is the ring in the box because I can't find a smaller pic 😂)

Once I was ready I told the boys to bring him, soon I saw the boys walking towards me but brook was in the back of them with his head down so he didn't notice soon they stopped and brook looked up and then I nodded for the boys to go and brook was just standing there shocked with his mouth open. " okay brook I know that your mad at me for not telling you anything but I will tell you now okay, so that night when I took that phone call it was the lady who was making a ring for you because I wanted to propose to you and she told me that it was almost ready and you walked in and thought I was cheating I would never cheat on you babe I love you to much to do that to you , so I was keeping it a secret because it was supposed to be a surprise". I said then got on one knee ." now brook would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me " I said smiling really hard. He shook his head yes and ran over to me. " I'm so sorry I thought you were cheating on me I'm so sorry, I love you to " he said now crying i got up and put the ring on his hand and kissed him in a long kiss and soon I heard the boys in the background clapping I pulled away from brook and we hugged again in excitement. And since that day we haven't kept any secrets from each other and we are living are best life 😂

This is so bad 😂

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