Chapter 9

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Rain looked around the spacious bathroom in awe. It had a relaxing room that you'd walk into, and had three separate doors. One of them was opened, showing a small toilet room, consisting of only, well, the toilet and a cabinet above it for all the things needed for the toilet, and the toilet paper holder with the full roll facing the way that most people would consider the wrong way. The other two doors were closed.

Curious, Rain padded over to the one in the middle (the toilet was on the left) and opened it. It was a large room, not as big as the first one, and this time it had a window with thin, white curtains flowing from the open window, and had a large, white tub that had little paws as the feet. Other than the towels, it had nothing else. Rain eased the door shut so Lium wouldn't hear it close.

She then turned to the door on the right. She opened it and was greeted by a shower curtain that curled around the opening. When she walked in, she stepped down about an inch. She pulled the shower curtain open and revealed a small room that had a shower head on each wall, with one main knob for starting the water. There was a drain in the middle, the floor slightly tilting towards it. She raised her eyebrows.

The knob was right outside the door, so she turned it on to a little past medium and closed the curtain while she waited for it to warm up. She went back into the main room, which had a large counter with a lengthy mirror following it from the far right corner to the entry doors. The counter was a dark granite and had two sinks. In between the other doors, there were cushioned benches. The base of the benches were a creamy white and the cushions were a light lavender. She waited on the cushions awkwardly.

After a few minutes, she curried into the shower room and checked the water. Perfectly hot. She eased into the water, and with the four shower heads blasting onto her, it felt like she was getting a full body massage. She looked around the room for any shampoo, and spotted some in a rack on one of the corners. They're all guys' stuff... Well, it's better than being dirty. She quickly grabbed it and lathered the liquid into her hair. It was Axe all in one, so she rubbed in onto her body, also.

As she did this, she began to quietly sing "My Humps" by the Black Eyed Peas. She knew the lyrics perfectly, and did a little dance while singing it. When she finished rinsing everything off her body and hair, she turned off the shower, and realized she forgot to grab a towel. Blushing, she cracked open the door from the shower room to double check that Lium didn't come inside. Seeing that the coast was clear, Rain tip toed to the room with the tub and towels. Once she got the towel, she quickly wrapped it around herself, tight, and took a deep breath.

She walked out the doors to Lium's bedroom, and saw that he was nowhere in sight. She shrugged it off and went to the closet doors. When she closed the, behind her and turned around, her jaw literally dropped. It was as big as the lobby room for his bathroom! It had a little stool, that matched the benches in the bathroom, in the middle of the room-closet-thing, and shelves that were able to hang clothes on and little drawers that contained shoes and belts underneath the hung clothes. There was also medium sized dresser next to the stool that was facing the stool, but still had enough room to walk through on all sides.

Slowly approaching it, Rain marveled at all the clothes. When she got to the dresser, she opened the top drawer. She gasped when she saw that it was filled with lacy panties; she opened the one next to it and blushed because it had lingerie bras. She picked out a pair and panties and bra that matched and quickly put them. Oh my goodness, they fit! How'd he know my size? She blushed even more at the thought of Lium buying her these. She sighed and drew her attention to the clothes.

She looked around to find a somewhat nice shirt that she could wera until they went to bed. Finding a shirt that caught her eye, she walked over to it. It was an icy blue tank top, and when she took it off the hanger, she found her tattoo on it. Instead of sequens like her first one, it felt like it was painted on there. He payed attention... She grinned happily and threw it on. Next to the now empty hanger, there were some dark gray yoga pants that had the same icy blue on the top three inches.

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