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Anastasia's POV

"I wish I could go with." Cassie sighs and my arm wraps around her waist as my mom places her hand on her shoulder. "I don't think your mom would appreciate that, besides you have to look out for your niece." She adds teasingly, and I growl as Cassie squeals enthusiastically.

"Please Mom, it's weird enough that my aunt is seven years younger than me, you don't need to remind her of it daily." I beg peeling my eyes away from the other mentors and proteges scattered across the beach. Pulling at my jacket I focus on the ring clutching at my finger because all of sudden everything feels to tight, and it's because I know what's coming.

I've always been the one to leave my mom, but I've never let her leave me. I'm twenty-one though, I should grow up right? Maybe I should, but I don't necessarily want to.

"I'm serious you girls need to look out for each other in my absence." And I immediately know what she means. She wants me to make sure Cassie doesn't drift or get distracted, and she wants Cassie to make sure I don't lose my mind. "You're not going to be back in time for my wedding are you?"

She sighs deeply, and cups both of my cheeks forcing me to look at her like I were still a child. "I don't want to lie to you, and I'm afraid I'm not." My eyes squeeze shut as Cassie takes my hand, and I force myself to stay calm because I can't freak out on my mom right now.

"It's alright mom, we're going to be okay. I just don't know how the world will survive without Wonder woman" I mumble internally cursing as my voice wavers. "I know, that's why you're going to be Wonder woman."

The soft wind blowing stops, and everyone's chattering fades into the background as I clutch Cassie's hand, and I stare helplessly into my mom's eyes. "I retired." I retort attempting to keep up this facade of security like I'm okay with the fact that I did, but in all honesty her offer is something I've been wanting for awhile.

"It would only be until I get back, and I've talked to the rest of the League. They all think you're ready." She continues partially ignoring my statement, and I know I'm not hiding my hope very well now. "I'm not you-"

"Wonder Woman isn't a person, it's not me and it's not you, it's just a symbol of hope. As long as you promise to uphold the standards the symbol holds then you're worthy of it." She explains, and instead of answering I just pull Cassie and I further into her arms so both of us can hug her goodbye.

She knows what my answer is I just can't force myself to say it.


Anastasia's POV



"You can't do it Anastasia!" He shouts, but I know he's not mad. He's scared and he's feeling betrayed because we promised to stand by our decision together, but that doesn't give him the right to shout at me. "I can do whatever I want Wally!" I growl, but I feel regretful as soon as I do because I shouldn't take my anger out on him either.

"We're engaged it's not just you anymore, we have to make decisions together!" He continues pacing his way into the kitchen and I chase after him. "I haven't made up my mind yet, and I always think about the both of us when I do anything!"

"Really, you haven't made up your mind? You're mom's gone, the suit is hanging in our closet, and Barry called to tell me congratulations before you could even get home." He throws his arms around angrily gesturing, and I can't think of anything else to do but stand.

Pandora~ A Young Justice FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now