001. guido mista.

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A bit NSFW

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A bit NSFW. Most of these will have female pronouns unless someone requests for it to be gender neutral, or any other pronouns.

"What if I say no?"


"Mista.." A small giggle followed suit, her hands clamped themselves around his biceps through the thick fabric of his crop top sweater. "Stop, we're literally on a mission" He ignored her and continued pampering her neck with his plump lips.

"So? We never get alone time like this.. I just need to spoil you for a bit" Mista grumbled running his hands below her waist to grope her lightly as his lips found hers in a swift action. He pulled her close and grazed his fingertips against her bare skin. Her crop top barely covered anything so this truly just made the experience even better.

"[Y/N] let me have you" He murmured, leaving her lips bruised with rough kisses. His tongue pushed itself inside her tongue and with each second he touched her, and kissed her this way. She lost sight of the objective, and allowed him to do as he pleased.

"Guido, stop.. we're gonna get caught.." She whimpered feeling his fingers move from her butt to the front of her shorts. He played there for a while, and then wiggled his digits inside playfully.

"What if I say no?" He teased with a smirk, rubbing his middle finger against her panties; she elicited a gasp and pulled him close.

"Quick, please.." She found herself saying it before she could truly comprehend what was going on but the again, Guido was the true love of her life so it was no surprise that she gave him what he wanted and wherever he wanted it.

"God, I love you" He smiled, "I swear i'll treat you so good baby".


"So I send you two on a mission like what? two months ago? Not only did you fail it, but now [Y/N] is pregnant?" Bucciarati spoke trying to keep his wavering patience with the young couple.

"Sort of?" The girl laughed nervously, Guido scratched the back of his neck and then cracked a weak smile.

"Wanna be the godfather?".

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