012: jolyne kujo.

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"Don't say that

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"Don't say that."

Modern AU.

"How long will we have to keep sneaking around like this?" You muttered to your girlfriend, she pressed her lips against yours for a while and then pulled away to leave her thumb lingering against your cheek. Jolyne gave you an apologetic smile, and sighed softly.

"I just— I don't want to keep you hidden, but times are rough and same sex relationships are frowned upon. I just don't want you to be put through anything." Jolyne said, leaning close and pressing her forehead against yours to give you the comfort you were indirectly asking for.

"I know, but I want to able to go places, on dates without being discriminated.. I want to live freely, hold your hand, and kiss you wherever the hell I feel like it" You spoke from the bottom of your heart, she understood you very well, but people were still as ignorant as ever and the last thing you wanted was to be outcasted.

"I know but it's too risky" Jolyne said.

"Do you not love me?" You whispered, leaning your head against the tile wall sadly. She sighed softly, and then leaned her forehead against yours.

"Don't say that." Jolyne started, "I love you with every inch of my heart— that's why I chose you. You're the only one for me. You're my girl. I wouldn't trade you for the world, but we gotta thread carefully". You wrapped your arms around her neck, and nodded defeatedly.

"I'll see you after school, I love you." Jolyne whispered, lingering in the nape of your neck for a while before pecking it lightly. You watched her go, waited a few minutes, and then stepped outside with a wide smile.

"[Y/N]!" A voice called out, you turned around and grinned at Hermes who was approaching you with Foo Fighters and a blushing Jolyne.

"What's up?" You grinned.

"We were wondering why the door to the restroom was barricaded, but after seeing Jolyne— and you come out.. we pieced the puzzle" Hermes winked, your cheeks turned a crimson color and she hurried to nudge Jolyne slowly.

"Girlfriends!?" Foo Fighters said out loud, pushing Jolyne towards you who immediately grabbed onto your arms. She remained still for a while.

"Fuck it.." She said, turning around and grabbing your hand boldly. She interlocked your fingers together, and then smiled widely— proudly even.

"Yes, [Y/N], and I are dating" She confirmed to Hermes but it seemed like the entire school had just found out as well. Your two friends grinned, and you couldn't help but turn to look at Jolyne with a wide smile of adoration.


"Yeah he's a very scary person.." Jolyne whispered, fixing your hair to the side with a nervous huff. You bit your lip, and slid your hand into hers with anxiety.

"I'm scared" You whispered, Jolyne gave you a comforting smile and then opened the door to the house. You two were met by a tall beefy man standing in the middle of the living room with his hands inside his snake skin pants.

"Dad, this is my girlfriend, [Y/N]" Jolyne said barely above a whisper, "[Y/N].. this is my dad, Jotaro Kujo". You stuck your trembling hand forward, and forced a nervous smile.

"N-Nice to meet you, Dr. Kujo".

"Yare Yare.." He said, giving you a firm handshake that left your head spinning. He eyed you, and then Jolyne before walking into the kitchen. "I'll fix dinner" Truth is, he was happy Jolyne had found her true half.

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