016: Diavolo.

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"Maybe you didn't love after all

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"Maybe you didn't love after all."


When you first moved to Naples, everything was a new experience, and every day was full of happy surprises along with new opportunity. A new workplace, a pay raise, and sometimes a nice old man would stop give you a pastry each time for breakfast whenever he could. You appreciated everything life gave you, until you found out the true source behind these nice details.

You met him outside a bakery, he told you his name was Doppio, and he had something to show you. He could give you more than the current job you had if you just agreed to go with him willingly. Of course, you were wary and politely declined his offer.. however, he persisted and soon — your worst nightmare appeared.

At first, everything was fine.. he treated you like a princess and lavished you with just whatever he desired. His name was Diavolo, he looked like Doppio but he was an entirely different entity. His eyes were cold, and clouded with an unknown emotion when he peered down at you as he made you his. He was never truly gentle, he claimed to loved you, but never had a problem roughing you up whenever he desired like right now.

"It seems that I have been betrayed" He said, his tone icy and stern as he stared at particularly nothing on his desk. You remained where you were with completely useless knees, something was off — your gut instincts were basically roaring at you to run away.. as fast as you could from Diavolo. You couldn't lie and say that overtime you'd grown to become fully devoted to the Don, but when he acted like this; your entire week, month, or even year would become nothing but hellish.

"D-Do you want a massage?" You managed to whisper, hands trembling and knees threatening to buckle underneath his hard stare. Diavolo said nothing as he stood up, and strutted towards you with one intention in mind. He placed his big hand on your cheek as the free one moved from your neck to your breast and then back to your neck roughly.

"You think I want a massage? Hm? After i've been betrayed like this?" He asked you, his actions fueled with nothing but rage. You squeezed your eyes shut, and whimpered as your back hit the bed aggressively. Diavolo was truly losing it.. with each second that passed, you were sure that he would undoubtedly kill you.

"S-Sorry, Don!" You said, watching as Diavolo parted your legs with little to no patience. His emerald orbs tracing patterns onto your graceful body. He remembered your first time with him, and slowly.. he snapped out of his violent daze.

"You're so beautiful..so so so beautiful.." He whispered against your skin, kissing it, and licking stripes wherever he could. Slowly, you reached for something under his pillow, and closed your eyes as he spoiled you with affection. You loved Diavolo, but you needed to go... you needed to escape him and live your life outside these walls.

"I'm sorry" You murmured, gasping as he kissed you tenderly. For a split moment, you stopped to gaze at his unearthly beauty, but your mind had already been made up; before the knife pierced his tanned flesh. He grasped your wrist, and pinned it above your head. His eyes glaring daggers into yours. Fuck, your plan proved to be futile.

"Maybe you didn't love me after all.." He said, speaking in a soft sad tone; your breath hitched as you read his next movement.

You realized then and there through the painful epiphany that you were never going anywhere. Diavolo had made you his from the moment you stepped foot into Naples. All of the things that happened to you when you were still in Russia, the promotion, and the director appointing you in Naples.. it was all Diavolo's doing.

You were never going anywhere.

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