017. koichi hirose.

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"Take my hand"

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"Take my hand".


"love, koichi" you read out loud with pink cheeks, your eyes widened, and your heart sped up but then fell to the bottom of your pit after a terrifying realization. "oh no.. yukako's going to be after me once she finds out koichi wrote me a love letter and i a hundred percent reciprocate those feelings!" you panicked, josuke narrows his eyes and picked at his nails with a loud mocking laugh.

"aha! i think you should just be upfront with me, tell her that you're going to accept koichi's feelings and get it over with! what is she going to do? kill you?" he asked nonchalantly, you waved your arms around angrily and huffed.

"yes! yes she is!" you said, "but who cares honestly.. i have been waiting for this and i'm not letting this opportunity pass me by so..! goodbye!" you exclaimed before making your way out of the classroom silently. you checked the corners to make sure yukako wasn't around and when you spotted koichi, the smile only spread further across your face.

"[y/l/n].." a familiar feminine voice called out, "may i ask what is your business with koichi?". slowly, you turned around and began sweating at the sight of a yukako feigning a polite smile.

"nothing.. at all.. i just need to ask something" you said with a nervous laugh.

"hey! [y/n]! did you get it?" koichi asked, jogging towards you so he could catch up. he completely ignored yukako's presence and eyed you intensely awaiting for the answer.

"yes.. i will date you" your voice was a bit trembly, and the nerves only got worse when the aura emitting from yukako was giving you a shit ton of red flags. koichi took your hand, and giggled loudly.

"take my hand" and so you did. together, you both ran away from the malicious deity seeking to catch up. in fact at one point, yukako had given up and left you alone with koichi.

"i'm sorry about all of that, i'm seriously happy you said yes" koichi murmured shyly, scratching the back of his neck with a soft laugh. you leaned forward and pressed your lips against his lovingly.

"so am i".

a/n: not entirely proud of this but its 3 am and i'm super tired. i just wanted to give you guys some content. anywho, soon i will be updating my list and adding more prompts with more characters! i hope you all stay for that, don't lose hope in me! i'm also trying to reply to comments. either way, i love you guys and thank you for your patience. bruno loves you! ✨😼

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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