004. kakyoin noriaki.

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"I don't know if you noticed

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"I don't know if you noticed... but.. we're in a party.."

Modern AU.


Parties, they were never truly your thing. You never went, never even bothered opening the invitation when you received one especially while you were still attending college to become a forensic pathologist. However, what exactly changed this time?

Kakyoin Noriaki.

That was his name, he was a cherry hair colored with beautiful glistening irises. He was quite literally the love of your life, he was the one who invited you to the party and without much thought, you said yes right away causing him to chuckle as his cheeks turned a crimson color.

So now, here you were in front of your mirror dressed in your favorite attire while pathetically practicing lines just incase Kakyoin decided to speak to you which sounded more delusional. Kakyoin was friends with Jotaro who so happened to be your cousin, and one of the most popular guys automatically making Kakyoin popular as well. The only times he'd ever talk to you were to ask for Jotaro, or just a simple Hi. Nothing more, and nothing less.

After throwing on a jacket, you slid out of the house and walked towards the destination which wasn't so far from your own house thank goodness. As soon as you arrived, you took notice of the students in the front dancing away with bottle of beers in their hands. When you went inside, different color lights moved around in different directions. The smell of alcohol reeked through your sensitive nostrils, and the smell of sweat their grinding bodies caused. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

After a few minutes of walking away, and a realization that you didn't have any friends. You chose to walk into the room with a small sigh. Kind of stupid to think Kakyoin would actually notice you, and even more stupid to think he genuinely invited you for you. He was just trying to be nice because you were Jotaro's cousin, no? Needless to say, you settled on a water bottle and shamelessly eyed the cheese sandwiches on the table. There were different dips and cheetos, well you could eat before going home no?

Slowly, you picked up the sandwiches and chewed on them carefully with a pleased sigh leaving your glossed lips. Whoever did these had the hands of the culinary god himself. "CLOTHES OFF!" You heard someone yell, when you turned around you giggled at Polnareff and then turned around to continue eating.

"Enjoying yourself?" A voice broke your eating train, you turned around and widened your eyes at Kakyoin who stood there with a small smile. Your cheeks were bloated, it was embarrassing truly. After cautiously swallowing and drinking water to pass it off, you blushed and scratched your neck shyly.

"Guess so?" You muttered, picking up another small sandwich.

"I don't know if you noticed but this is a..party.." He teased, your cheeks continued going down a shade with utter shame that he had caught you being sad.

"I-I don't have a lot of friends so I can't be dancing or anything" You replied, biting the sandwich.

"I see, so why did you come then?" If you weren't so attentive you wouldn't have noticed the hopeful glint in his eyes that made your heart skip a beat.

"F-For you, I guess?" Another awkward cough followed, and soon you were choking. He patted your back and then laughed softly.

"Thank god" He said, "I've liked you for a quite a while so while I still have you... would you like to go on a date?".

"Oh my god— yes. yes. mhm."

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